1)theres no way to get it in survival
2)they just pass through mobs dealing no damage.
3) there are no enchants exept for unbreaking for them
4) the devs seemed to have missed out their meele functions
5) there are no drowneds (this is here because drwoneds are supposed to dropp tridents when killed sometimes)
this is a list of all my problems . Hope they get fixed and will try to fix them myself too.
posting this becaus even though they are in the game they are useless , cant be picked up throwing is glitchy and also they go right through mobs doing absolutly nothing to them
Hello all,
I have a problem with the trident ingame.
thanks for adding the trident . thanks a tone.
posting this becaus even though they are in the game they are useless , cant be picked up throwing is glitchy and also they go right through mobs doing absolutly nothing to them
pls fix