If you're curious, (and of course this should not have any bearing on reviews, since it's unreleased content) there's some commented-out code in ui.lua that provides a "debug" button which I used for testing various things. Never got around to making an in-game system to select said functionalities, so they also have to be commented and uncommented to change between them, but the function button_debug() has a few options to choose from, related to systems that are functional but not yet implemented, as well as a (slightly buggy) option that allows closing the formspec and moving freely.
Unique non-sandbox, no-player-character game, or at least it will be
I look forward to seeing where this goes, and will update my review when it's playable
If you're curious, (and of course this should not have any bearing on reviews, since it's unreleased content) there's some commented-out code in ui.lua that provides a "debug" button which I used for testing various things. Never got around to making an in-game system to select said functionalities, so they also have to be commented and uncommented to change between them, but the function button_debug() has a few options to choose from, related to systems that are functional but not yet implemented, as well as a (slightly buggy) option that allows closing the formspec and moving freely.