The ambiance of the game is fucking terryifing. The sound of the footsteps to the hum of the lights in level 0 is amazing. Its nice how it looks but you can bretty easily see that the world is predetermined it would be really cool if this was proceduly generated but I figure that would be very difficult. Also you say this isn't a horror game when it 100% is!
It is procedural :3 The seed matters that is; if you use a new seed, you'll get a new world gen. Maybe you're seeing the same schematic in a different place though?
The ambiance of the game is fucking terryifing. The sound of the footsteps to the hum of the lights in level 0 is amazing. Its nice how it looks but you can bretty easily see that the world is predetermined it would be really cool if this was proceduly generated but I figure that would be very difficult. Also you say this isn't a horror game when it 100% is!
It is procedural :3 The seed matters that is; if you use a new seed, you'll get a new world gen. Maybe you're seeing the same schematic in a different place though?
Oh cool thanks