pretty cute, the volume is low, and wonder if i can add my own tunes. i see a setting in settings for 'music' and volume was at .3 which seems about right, but i have also installed other music mods, testing one at a time, but this mod is working fine in mesecraft with no conflicts.
pretty cute, the volume is low, and wonder if i can add my own tunes. i see a setting in settings for 'music' and volume was at .3 which seems about right, but i have also installed other music mods, testing one at a time, but this mod is working fine in mesecraft with no conflicts.
The "music" setting doesn't seem to belong to this mod - could have been a remain of mpd which served as a basis for it, but that's not the case.
In any case, players can adjust the volume with the /music chat command.
Adding tunes is technically possible but not user-friendly at all, cause you would need to edit the mod itself.
you're right, thanks for the helpful comment Astrobe.