2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "none" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:458
2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "mesh" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:198
2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "mesh" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:489
2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "texture" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:491
I don't speak English.
Hello about the error messages,thangs for warning me,but for now i will don't actualize my mod until march(i put a note in the mod about this),and i don't understand what you mean with interesting interaction.
The furniture in Homedecor can't do any interaction, for example, the chair can't sit. It's just a model. It's not interesting at all.
But there are many interesting interactions in your mod.
2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "none" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:458 2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "mesh" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:198 2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "mesh" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:489 2023-02-11 18:27:46: WARNING[Main]: Undeclared global variable "texture" accessed at ...inetest-5.6.1-edu/bin/../mods/assets_warehouse/stuff.lua:491
I don't speak English. Hello about the error messages,thangs for warning me,but for now i will don't actualize my mod until march(i put a note in the mod about this),and i don't understand what you mean with interesting interaction.
The furniture in Homedecor can't do any interaction, for example, the chair can't sit. It's just a model. It's not interesting at all. But there are many interesting interactions in your mod.