Even if it is being pixelized, I won't include any nudity. That is my biggest policy. Things like The Last Supper, or Monet's Lillies one or Starry Night are all possibilities. It would be a seperate collection. This one is for AI art that roughly matches the theme of Minecraft's paintings. If you have any specific suggestions, just leave a comment, or an issue so I can keep track of it better.
Also would be great to add classic if so)
Like some classic paintings? I might try that, but those tend to scale very pooly.
Well pixelatization sometimes can add some charm to ...Da Vinci paintings)
Even if it is being pixelized, I won't include any nudity. That is my biggest policy. Things like The Last Supper, or Monet's Lillies one or Starry Night are all possibilities. It would be a seperate collection. This one is for AI art that roughly matches the theme of Minecraft's paintings. If you have any specific suggestions, just leave a comment, or an issue so I can keep track of it better.