Maybe don't play heavily modded on Android, but it will still hold up. I had low FPS, but I am sure I could decrease render distance, or play on an actual PC for better experience. It gives a nice random selection from all mods installed. And, it spawns you near 0, 0, 0. It might be a good idea to get some stuff setup beforehand in creative. Such as a small island akin to the original Skyblock.
Maybe don't play heavily modded on Android, but it will still hold up. I had low FPS, but I am sure I could decrease render distance, or play on an actual PC for better experience. It gives a nice random selection from all mods installed. And, it spawns you near 0, 0, 0. It might be a good idea to get some stuff setup beforehand in creative. Such as a small island akin to the original Skyblock.
It's normal to don't have an island because there are no island in the original Skygrid. This game isn't a skyblock !
I know that, I was saying the player might benefit from adding it to make it safer.