I have collected a few suggestions for improvement.
Death notice:
If you shoot arrows vertically into the air, you cankill yourself. In the chat it says, for example "Frederik hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Frederik".
That seems illogical. Another death report such as "Frederik shot himself" would be more appropriate.
There are only a few textures that, in my opinion, urgently need to be reworked. One of them is that of the stone sword, which looks more like a dagger.
chatcommand /music
With the chat command /music you can switch the music on and off for a single player. But on my local server I want no one to listen to music. But it would be very inconvenient for each player to have to turn off the music individually. There would be no solution for me to delete the sound files. So a chat command would be good, with which you could switch the music on/off on the entire server.
I think it is one of the best Minetest-game, but the textures-folder is a bit messy. Maybe you can make subfolder in the textures-folder? Good job!
I have collected a few suggestions for improvement.
Death notice:
If you shoot arrows vertically into the air, you cankill yourself. In the chat it says, for example "Frederik hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Frederik". That seems illogical. Another death report such as "Frederik shot himself" would be more appropriate.
There are only a few textures that, in my opinion, urgently need to be reworked. One of them is that of the stone sword, which looks more like a dagger.
chatcommand /music
With the chat command /music you can switch the music on and off for a single player. But on my local server I want no one to listen to music. But it would be very inconvenient for each player to have to turn off the music individually. There would be no solution for me to delete the sound files. So a chat command would be good, with which you could switch the music on/off on the entire server.
Translation: Some translations are a little unusual. Here are a few more common translations into German:
Mending - Reperatur, Bane of Arthropods - Nemesis der Gliederfüßer, Silk Touch - Behutsamkeit,
Translation: Some translations into German do not exist.
Blast Protection - Explosionsschutz, Curse of Binding - Fluch der Bindung, Feather Falling - Federfall, Fire Protection - Feuerschutz, Projectile Protection - Projektilschutz, Protection - Schutz, Thorns - Dornen, Enchanted Golden Apple - Verzauberter Goldener Apfel, Block of Amethyst - Amethystblock, Amethyst Shard - Amethystscherbe, Bamboo - Bambus, Bamboo Block - Bambusblock, Stripped Bamboo Block - Entrindeter Bambusblock, Bamboo Door - Bambustür, Bamboo Fence - Bambuszaun, Bamboo Fence Gate - Bambuszauntor, Bamboo Mosaic Plank - Bambusmosaikplanke, Bamboo Plank - Bambusplanke, Bamboo Trapdoor - Bambusfalltür, Bamboo Pressure Plate - Bambusdruckplatte, Barrel - Fass, Bee Nest - Bienennest, Bell - Glocke Blackstone Wall - Schwarzsteinmauer, Blast Furnace - Schmelzofen, Crossbow - Armbrust, Campfire - Lagerfeuer, Soul Campfire - Seelenlagerfeuer, Cartography Table - Kartographentisch, Cherry Door - Kirschtür, Cherry Fence - Kirschzaun, Cherry Gate - Kirschtor, Cherry Trapdoor - Kirschfalltür, Cherry Leaves -Kirschblätter, Cherry Sapling - Kirschsetzling, Cherry Log - Kirschstamm, Cherry Bark - Kirschrinde, Cherry Wood Planks - Kirschplanke, Cherry Pressure Plate - Kirschdruckplatte, Stripped Cherry Log - Entrindeter Kirschstamm, Stripped Cherry Wood - Entrindetes Kirschholz
If you would like me to do more translations, please let me know.