The use of licenses which do not allow derivatives or redistribution is not permitted. This includes CC-ND (No-Derivatives) and lots of closed source licenses. The use of licenses which discriminate between groups of people or forbid the use of the content on servers or singleplayer is also not permitted.
From policy and guidance. Doesnt it violate these rules?
Also isnt it asking for donations?
The use of licenses which do not allow derivatives or redistribution is not permitted. This includes CC-ND (No-Derivatives) and lots of closed source licenses. The use of licenses which discriminate between groups of people or forbid the use of the content on servers or singleplayer is also not permitted. From policy and guidance. Doesnt it violate these rules? Also isnt it asking for donations?
As this has been approved, it apparently is permitted (at least this exception). Asking for donations is allowed as well.