The author was able to pull off an entire barebone OS, with not one, not two, but three games in 21 days. And one of those is in 3D (!) allowing multiple instances to run together (!!!). The vibe of this "OS" is definitely nostalgic, helped by the old machinery sound effect and the launching sequence.
You probably won't believe it until you try it, so make yourself a favour: download it and be ready to be mindblown (beware: if you're a modder, the mindblown effect is doubled, as you want to know how in the world the author was able to do what they did)
P.S.: I'm definitely keeping this one installed, I want to see what could bring in the future (but please add a game icon :P)
The author was able to pull off an entire barebone OS, with not one, not two, but three games in 21 days. And one of those is in 3D (!) allowing multiple instances to run together (!!!). The vibe of this "OS" is definitely nostalgic, helped by the old machinery sound effect and the launching sequence.
You probably won't believe it until you try it, so make yourself a favour: download it and be ready to be mindblown (beware: if you're a modder, the mindblown effect is doubled, as you want to know how in the world the author was able to do what they did)
P.S.: I'm definitely keeping this one installed, I want to see what could bring in the future (but please add a game icon :P)