Why does smelting everness sand result in everness glass? It's almost identical. If mineclone2, mineclonia game or default mod are available, you should not add nodes and have it smelt to default:glass or mcl equivalent instead.
As it stands now the glass can't be used to craft things from mods including from the MTG mod xpanes. You can't make glass panes. I think it would be better to stick to the nodes the games provide instead of introducing half-working duplicates.
Why does smelting everness sand result in everness glass? It's almost identical. If mineclone2, mineclonia game or default mod are available, you should not add nodes and have it smelt to default:glass or mcl equivalent instead.
As it stands now the glass can't be used to craft things from mods including from the MTG mod xpanes. You can't make glass panes. I think it would be better to stick to the nodes the games provide instead of introducing half-working duplicates.
fair enough...i am sure there was some reason for it which was not added to the game yet and its "half baked"