This is a known error, and happens randomly on restart... I haven't been able to figure out a way to check or fix it? This game is primarily designed as a tool to test and expose these kinds of errors, and so the emergence of this error isn't a bug it's a feature. Restart the game and the sprite should go back to normal after one or two tries. I'll have a patch for this sometime next year, after I figure out which part of the engine is breaking this. If you'd like to diagnose and fix it manually, look at "~/mods/wisgame/open/open_skin.lua" all the necessary code pertaining to the skin system is available in that file.
the character sprite is cool. but its backwards. in 3rd person view it look like i always walking backwards.
This is a known error, and happens randomly on restart... I haven't been able to figure out a way to check or fix it? This game is primarily designed as a tool to test and expose these kinds of errors, and so the emergence of this error isn't a bug it's a feature. Restart the game and the sprite should go back to normal after one or two tries. I'll have a patch for this sometime next year, after I figure out which part of the engine is breaking this. If you'd like to diagnose and fix it manually, look at "~/mods/wisgame/open/open_skin.lua" all the necessary code pertaining to the skin system is available in that file.