Hello. Thanks for the review. Many furniture items can't be placed mostly probably because of the lack of the free space like if you try to set some door and there's a solid block above the placing position it will refuse to be placed. Also, if you talk certainly about the silver chandelier, it requires also to be hung on the chains, otherwise it will fail to be set.
Thanks for the review. I have plans for a full rewrite of the logic of the elevators handling. For now the system is actually pretty fragile, therefore there are sometimes crashes about the doors objects being invalid and also on the shutdown, because IIRC the lua objects are not saved correctly, mainly they can not be serialized as they are userdata.
Except that, I think there is necessary another way of animating the doors since the animations based on the positions changing make jerks. Smoother movements could be obtained with the bone animations as they are entirely client-side.
And yes, as for the unrealistic calls queue, now the elevator arrives to the called floors in the order in which they were called. Actually the calls list needs to be treated in the order of the closest called floors.
The falling through the elevator when it has arrived is like wrong calculation of the player world position after detaching from the object, maybe there is a tiny error in the coordinates leading to the collisions boxes mutual-intersecting and therefore the collisions don't work.
"but its similar to homedecor" means good or bad? Yes, my mod furniture intentionally looks similar and inherits the style from homedecor. However, the important part here is functionality of almost all decorations is what homedecor misses.
Stuff in the cabinets are not gone for me anymore in the newest versions (I tested it multiple times). Which cabinets do you mean? Also, thanks for the review!
I have added the deprecated tag as it's not recommended to be installed for now. It's been seriously broken and unfinished already a few years and I don't plan to repair the mod in the near future.
This mod is pretty well-developed in all aspects such as models, textures, wheels animation, driving, interaction menu and etc and this is certainly much more advanced than DOOMed's vehicles mod. However, there is still a low variety of cars, has the only kind of truck and there are no ambulance, police, buses. Also I'd recommend to do the inventory icons look like as in the vehicles (view to the model from the camera under 45 degrees of pitch and yaw), not just white-color flat outlines.
This mod is really peculiar and amazing! It can be certainly useful in places with rough and steep relief where it's not so easy to overcome it. And the main feature of the mod is wonderfully smooth animation and exact touching of the legs the surface. However, to mount the boat I needed to add self.object:set_armor_groups({immortal=1}) line to the on_activate callback because it just gets destroyed instead when punching. Please fix it.
'Crafting ingredients' mod is necessary because it registers ingredients for crafting the furniture. Also, I don't plan to do the recipes dependent on other mods like basic_materials. I think it will be redundant and won't much sense because my mod adds lots of similar things and even many own ones which are not in basic_materials.
If you mean my repo with the name "Multidecor", this is not an extension, this is fully remade version of Luxury Decor and currently still very WIP. Since the first release comes, I will only maintain the original mod and switch own efforts to the new mod.
This game has good parkour levels. However, they are enough easy and short, but for easy game it is sufficient. The one downside that I found is it is impossible to restart the level when e.g. player has fallen down from the parkour blocks. It is possible to obtain only by a fly priviliege.
Just great and unusual game ever I have seen! The GUI looks like attractive and it looks like it uses the most modern formspec features. This game is a good way to distract and relax yourself!
Actually my mod is far not perfect since the style of the most furniture is inconsistent with the minetest environment. Also there are plenty of inaccurancies in them (excessive amount of vertices, rough mesh generally). The textures for them are too hight-resolution and has a bad quality.
For comparison, homedecor has the furniture with higher quality (the models are surely closer to the voxel ambience, the textures are painted more explicitly and beautiful).
Also, though I named the mod "Luxury Decor", but there are also lots of not luxury elements, LOL. So, the name is not very correctly selected out.
Thus, I plan starting to make a new mod as a continuation of this one. I suppose, that will be a modpack and will contain mods based on various styles. However, it doesn't imply I am leaving this mod, I think to do only a patch with the bugfixing and then declare a LTS release. So, the mod will be in the maintainance stage soon.
Hello. Thanks for the review. Many furniture items can't be placed mostly probably because of the lack of the free space like if you try to set some door and there's a solid block above the placing position it will refuse to be placed. Also, if you talk certainly about the silver chandelier, it requires also to be hung on the chains, otherwise it will fail to be set.
Thanks for the review. I have plans for a full rewrite of the logic of the elevators handling. For now the system is actually pretty fragile, therefore there are sometimes crashes about the doors objects being invalid and also on the shutdown, because IIRC the lua objects are not saved correctly, mainly they can not be serialized as they are userdata.
Except that, I think there is necessary another way of animating the doors since the animations based on the positions changing make jerks. Smoother movements could be obtained with the bone animations as they are entirely client-side.
And yes, as for the unrealistic calls queue, now the elevator arrives to the called floors in the order in which they were called. Actually the calls list needs to be treated in the order of the closest called floors.
The falling through the elevator when it has arrived is like wrong calculation of the player world position after detaching from the object, maybe there is a tiny error in the coordinates leading to the collisions boxes mutual-intersecting and therefore the collisions don't work.
"but its similar to homedecor" means good or bad? Yes, my mod furniture intentionally looks similar and inherits the style from homedecor. However, the important part here is functionality of almost all decorations is what homedecor misses.
Stuff in the cabinets are not gone for me anymore in the newest versions (I tested it multiple times). Which cabinets do you mean? Also, thanks for the review!
I have added the deprecated tag as it's not recommended to be installed for now. It's been seriously broken and unfinished already a few years and I don't plan to repair the mod in the near future.
This mod is pretty well-developed in all aspects such as models, textures, wheels animation, driving, interaction menu and etc and this is certainly much more advanced than DOOMed's vehicles mod. However, there is still a low variety of cars, has the only kind of truck and there are no ambulance, police, buses. Also I'd recommend to do the inventory icons look like as in the vehicles (view to the model from the camera under 45 degrees of pitch and yaw), not just white-color flat outlines.
This mod is really peculiar and amazing! It can be certainly useful in places with rough and steep relief where it's not so easy to overcome it. And the main feature of the mod is wonderfully smooth animation and exact touching of the legs the surface. However, to mount the boat I needed to add
line to theon_activate
callback because it just gets destroyed instead when punching. Please fix it.I've fixed this enough serious bug today in 1.0.4. Thanks for reporting.
what do you mean by "multiblock structures" ? does it relate to the furniture or decoration stuff?
'Crafting ingredients' mod is necessary because it registers ingredients for crafting the furniture. Also, I don't plan to do the recipes dependent on other mods like basic_materials. I think it will be redundant and won't much sense because my mod adds lots of similar things and even many own ones which are not in basic_materials.
If you mean my repo with the name "Multidecor", this is not an extension, this is fully remade version of Luxury Decor and currently still very WIP. Since the first release comes, I will only maintain the original mod and switch own efforts to the new mod.
This game has good parkour levels. However, they are enough easy and short, but for easy game it is sufficient. The one downside that I found is it is impossible to restart the level when e.g. player has fallen down from the parkour blocks. It is possible to obtain only by a fly priviliege.
Just great and unusual game ever I have seen! The GUI looks like attractive and it looks like it uses the most modern formspec features. This game is a good way to distract and relax yourself!
Thanks for review.
Actually my mod is far not perfect since the style of the most furniture is inconsistent with the minetest environment. Also there are plenty of inaccurancies in them (excessive amount of vertices, rough mesh generally). The textures for them are too hight-resolution and has a bad quality.
For comparison, homedecor has the furniture with higher quality (the models are surely closer to the voxel ambience, the textures are painted more explicitly and beautiful).
Also, though I named the mod "Luxury Decor", but there are also lots of not luxury elements, LOL. So, the name is not very correctly selected out.
Thus, I plan starting to make a new mod as a continuation of this one. I suppose, that will be a modpack and will contain mods based on various styles. However, it doesn't imply I am leaving this mod, I think to do only a patch with the bugfixing and then declare a LTS release. So, the mod will be in the maintainance stage soon.
I didn't discover anything similar. It works fine and can move objects. See an example of that how the elevator should be created properly: https://github.com/Andrey2470T/real_elevators#how-to-build-elevator-shaft