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Adds the badlands biome, which contains plentiful clay and gold.
Adds bamboo which generates in jungles and can be used as a crafting ingredient.
Better Basic Materials
Fixes the inconsistent textures in Basic Materials.
Launch explosive cannonballs at your enemies.
Clay Bricks
Adds colorful clay bricks.
Coconut Trees
Adds coconut trees that appear on beaches
Copper Rails
Adds a new directional rail made from copper and mese crystals.
Generic Inoffensive Flags
Adds generic flags that come in multiple basic colors.
Adds amethyst geodes and an API for making custom geodes.
Large Bricks
Adds large stone bricks.
Quartz Geodes
Extends the Geodes mod with quartz geodes.
Scientifically Accurate TNT
Fixes some of the shortcomings of the original TNT mod.
Adds sieves that are used to separate (occasionally) valuable debris from sand.
Stair Carpets
Allows you to place carpets on stairs and slabs.
Stone Chests
Replaces the wooden chests found in dungeons with stone chests.
A simple mod that adds decorative wooden tables.
This mod saves a lot of time when developing mods that use schematics.
I have repeatedly used this mod to make schematics for my mods, and it has been very useful and has saved a lot of time.
Its function is very similar to the Structure Block from Minecraft.
An idea for how it could be improved would be to add a block similar to the Jigsaw Block from Minecraft, which would be useful for making large modular structures.
A nice variety of new biomes and cave decorations.
I really like that this mod provides a lot of new biomes, trees, and decorations. In addition, the cave decorations are very nice and remind me of the ones in Minecraft. There is also a nice selection of blocks and items to choose from, which is nice for decorating. The only flaw is that as of now it is all or nothing, meaning that you either have all of the content in the mod in your world or none of it. Having more granular control over which content I want to enable such as a modpack or settings would be nice, and would make it more compatable with other mods.
Takes a bunch of namespaces only to add generic copy-pasted ores.
This mod takes the namespaces for many super generic metals and elements, and doesn't add anything notable.
Minetest game already has a ton of useless ores, we don't need any more.
It is like a worse version of the "stuff" mods (which at least try to be original).
This mod is still salvagable though, here is what I recommend: