Only 195 users have written more helpful reviews.
Adds the ability to set shortcuts to commands.
So many materials for your building needs
I can at least say that there is so much to build with in creative. I don't need the recipes, so I can't say anything about that...
Brings life into the players
It's a little bit choppy but that could be the nature of the game itself. But it looks so much better now!
Now it's possible to save the world
Unless you try it, because there will be deffinetly a limit on how big of an area we're talking about, you can save almost everything!
Must have for everyone
You need to build big objects in no time? You need to fill landmass? You need to repair your world? This is your go to whenever you have to build something!
Got everything that you need...
... and if not I would be very suprised due to the mods it can work with
So many materials for your building needs
I can at least say that there is so much to build with in creative. I don't need the recipes, so I can't say anything about that...
Brings life into the players
It's a little bit choppy but that could be the nature of the game itself. But it looks so much better now!
Now it's possible to save the world
Unless you try it, because there will be deffinetly a limit on how big of an area we're talking about, you can save almost everything!
Must have for everyone
You need to build big objects in no time? You need to fill landmass? You need to repair your world? This is your go to whenever you have to build something!
Got everything that you need...
... and if not I would be very suprised due to the mods it can work with