My Admin
Admin tools for servers including Admin picks, curse protection, chat commands and more.
My Appearance
Change Your Appearance
My Boardgames
This is a modpack with 17 mini games. It includes chess, checkers, connect 4, uno and more.
My Bricks
Machine to make bricks out of common material
My Chisel
A chisel that allows you to shape blocks.
My Cobble
This is a simple mod that lets you turn cobble into gravel and gravel into sand
My Concrete
Myconcrete adds concrete blocks, sidewalks and other items
Put decorative corners on blocks.
My Deck
Make realistic looking decks on your house.
My Default Lights
Simple lights made from default material
Adds several different style doors.
My Fences
Adds nice looking fences.
My Hole In The Wall
Decorative blocks for around gardens and more
My Item Chest
A chest that spawns different items
My Ladders
Adds different ladders to Luanti
My Lights
Lightbulbs and light fixtures.
My Mason Hammer
A hammer to make stairs, ladders and footholds
My Mesh Nodes
A machine that makes different shape node
Crown molding, columns and baseboards of different styles.
My Mine Shaft
Makes tunnels straight down that you can climb
My Mulch
Turns leaves and other items to mulch blocks
Provides paint brushes and buckets for other mods to use to paint their items.
My Parkour
Nodes for making a parkour track
My Paths
Dirt and stone paths.
My Regen Chest
Spawns items when opened and will not again for determined amount of time
My Roofs
Adds mesh roofing nodes.
My Sheet Metal
Gutters, fashia and soffit makes your house look great.
My Siding
Adds lines on one side of block to make it look like siding
My Slopes
My Sponge
A sponge that soaks up water
My Stone Paths
Stone paths
My Streets
Adds asphalt and other items you need to build streets
My Torches
Changes default torches to ones that burn out and cause damage
My Treasure
Adds treasure chests around the world
My Walls
Adds more wall types for walls mod.
My Workshop
Workshop benches
Teleports the player to the other side of the world when they reach the edge.
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