The mod is extremely helpful to me! I’m now using it on my server as well. I started the Python script with a systemd service. Very practical. The only problem I had was that the Python library that reads the config file didn’t work correctly. But that was probably due to my installation. I just wrote the values into Python variables, and then everything worked smoothly.
I have published the update. Thank you for your cooperation :) . If you have any ideas for improvements, please feel free to continue working with me. Thank you also for showing me the online node box editor. I will publish a new update in the next few weeks. Is everything as you imagined?
OK! I've now taken a look at the code and I'm very impressed! The idea of putting all the values needed to create a node into an array of tables is very logical, but I hadn't thought of that. Respect! When I saw that, I thought about putting the other nodes (chimney and chimney roof plate) into the for loop, so I did that. I'm also very impressed by the model for the chimney trims. Did you just code that or did you use an editor? Anyway, I made the changes mentioned and also made changes to the string naming of the blocks. Would you like to take another look before I publish it? Maybe that would be good so that you can still voice criticism and no code is published that has serious defects.
The waiting time was not a problem. I will take a look at your code, and if everything is sorted out, I will be happy to take it over. Do you agree with the GPL-3.0-only license?
Ok, sorry you have to wait so long for an answer. I've been busy with other very important things. I'd like to make an in-game book. But I need a bit more information. Should it be in the form of an item that you can right-click and read? Should it maybe be done via chat? What should be shown on the pictures?
I also think that you should still be able to get all nodes in the game with this mod, but nodes like dirt with grass are replaced by an abm with dirt. Maybe that's why there should be dirt with grass in the bonus chest?
In my opinion, the principle of being surrounded only by stone is a very good idea because you can decide from the ground up which system you will use to build, structure and design bases and structures.
Problems with decorations and structures:
When I looked at the world with noclip, I noticed that decorations like grass and dead bushes were not replaced with stone. Larger decorations (structures) such as ruined portals were also noticeably inappropriate and unesthetic in the stone
Improvement ideas
You could potentially replace not only air and water with stone, but also grass; dirt; dirt with grass, dead bushes; Etc..
Another idea of mine would be to completely overwrite the world generation again. For this I highly recommend the library mod luamap.
I think, that this mod is a special Idea, but it would be better, if the mod has not only 2 Elements.
The Blocks have to colors, but what mean the color ? The Element-Group? And do you want to add all 118 Elements?
I put the mod on codeberg. Since I've never worked on software with anyone else over the Internet, I need some information about how they imagine it. If I have made any mistakes, please let me know.
Hello! It's been a while since we communicated. I created a Codeberg account and wanted to ask if you were still interested in contributing to my mod. I hope I understood correctly that you are interested.
I have collected a few suggestions for improvement.
Death notice:
If you shoot arrows vertically into the air, you cankill yourself. In the chat it says, for example "Frederik hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Frederik".
That seems illogical. Another death report such as "Frederik shot himself" would be more appropriate.
There are only a few textures that, in my opinion, urgently need to be reworked. One of them is that of the stone sword, which looks more like a dagger.
chatcommand /music
With the chat command /music you can switch the music on and off for a single player. But on my local server I want no one to listen to music. But it would be very inconvenient for each player to have to turn off the music individually. There would be no solution for me to delete the sound files. So a chat command would be good, with which you could switch the music on/off on the entire server.
I think it is cool, that the "Pizza Oven" has no graphical interface! I like the textures too.
Only 2 thinks:
I think, it would be better, if the Oven went on with a flint an steal, not with a torch.
Mineclone2 is the most popular game, but this mod needs the default mod wich Mineclone do not has. I can transfer "Pizzaria" in Mineclone, if it is ok?!? I would need maximum 1 week.
I think, it is a good idea, becaurse if players die, the stuff of them will despawn very fast, and when (he/she) can not find the die-place so fast, the stuff is away for
A little tip:
In the textures folder is the texture "mcl_formspec_itemslot.png" that is for the chest-slots. You can use the Itemslot-textures, of the Mineclone game (for
example: "mcl_formspec_itemslot.png"). Then you save storage space.
Much success with your mod!
That would be an option, but you could also just use normal deep slate and not cobbled deep slate. You would have to bake the deep slate first, but that would solve the problem with the same recipes. But do what you think is right. :)
PS: The textures are very good!
The idea, to make a own funktion, to make a new tool kind is very nice.
I only noticed one error:
It is impossible to craft deepslate stuff. That's because the crafting recipes already exists for stone stuff.
Thanks for the idea, but I haven't registered on these platforms, but maybe I'll do so at some point on Github. I have made a new release of my mod, with expansion chimney tops. I hope you meant this kind of design.
A good idea, but I'm not very good at 3D modeling, which is why it always takes a long time before I can publish such updates. Thanks anyway, I'll try new shapes when I have time. Ah, and what other chimney types would you bring into the mod? :)
You are right: I fixed that too. Thank you. Did you found other mistakes or things you would do differently, becaurse that is the first time that I use funktions in lua?
Thanks! I thought I had put the mod as a minimal version on Minetest 5.5, and not as the only one. I am very grateful that you quickly discovered this error. I will try to avoid the mistake in the future. Thank you so much!
Ok thanks: Unfortunately I couldn't test this mod on versions below Minetest 5.5, which is why I set this as a limitation. Have you tested the mod on another version?
I think the mod is good, becaurse I often need the string of a Item (for my mods) and this mod shows them. For blocks I can use F5 to show the strings but this doesn't work with items. Good job!
The Islands are very nice but I think, that the mod should can work on Mineclone2 and Mineclonia too.
I know, that it is not easy, becaurse Mineclone2 and Mineclonia do not have the default mod, but it would be very nice to have Ilands in this games.
The mod is extremely helpful to me! I’m now using it on my server as well. I started the Python script with a systemd service. Very practical. The only problem I had was that the Python library that reads the config file didn’t work correctly. But that was probably due to my installation. I just wrote the values into Python variables, and then everything worked smoothly.
Very nice! :) Do you have any ideas about which chimneys could be added?
I have published the update. Thank you for your cooperation :) . If you have any ideas for improvements, please feel free to continue working with me. Thank you also for showing me the online node box editor. I will publish a new update in the next few weeks. Is everything as you imagined?
OK! I've now taken a look at the code and I'm very impressed! The idea of putting all the values needed to create a node into an array of tables is very logical, but I hadn't thought of that. Respect! When I saw that, I thought about putting the other nodes (chimney and chimney roof plate) into the for loop, so I did that. I'm also very impressed by the model for the chimney trims. Did you just code that or did you use an editor? Anyway, I made the changes mentioned and also made changes to the string naming of the blocks. Would you like to take another look before I publish it? Maybe that would be good so that you can still voice criticism and no code is published that has serious defects.
The waiting time was not a problem. I will take a look at your code, and if everything is sorted out, I will be happy to take it over. Do you agree with the GPL-3.0-only license?
Did you find any mistakes? Or do you have some tips? If not, it's not a problem. Quite the opposite.
Ok, sorry you have to wait so long for an answer. I've been busy with other very important things. I'd like to make an in-game book. But I need a bit more information. Should it be in the form of an item that you can right-click and read? Should it maybe be done via chat? What should be shown on the pictures?
I also think that you should still be able to get all nodes in the game with this mod, but nodes like dirt with grass are replaced by an abm with dirt. Maybe that's why there should be dirt with grass in the bonus chest?
Good Concept
In my opinion, the principle of being surrounded only by stone is a very good idea because you can decide from the ground up which system you will use to build, structure and design bases and structures.
Problems with decorations and structures:
When I looked at the world with noclip, I noticed that decorations like grass and dead bushes were not replaced with stone. Larger decorations (structures) such as ruined portals were also noticeably inappropriate and unesthetic in the stone
Improvement ideas
You could potentially replace not only air and water with stone, but also grass; dirt; dirt with grass, dead bushes; Etc.. Another idea of mine would be to completely overwrite the world generation again. For this I highly recommend the library mod luamap.
Do what you think is right.
Ok, thank you.
Ok, thank you.
Thank you for the information! I can help you to add more Elements, if it is ok.
I don't understant who is working on this mod. The Pack is ResendeTech's. Is it your 2. acount?
I think, that this mod is a special Idea, but it would be better, if the mod has not only 2 Elements. The Blocks have to colors, but what mean the color ? The Element-Group? And do you want to add all 118 Elements?
I put the mod on codeberg. Since I've never worked on software with anyone else over the Internet, I need some information about how they imagine it. If I have made any mistakes, please let me know.
I apologize that this is taking so long. I'm currently trying to find out about package linking from contentdb to codeberg.
Hello! It's been a while since we communicated. I created a Codeberg account and wanted to ask if you were still interested in contributing to my mod. I hope I understood correctly that you are interested.
Translation: Some translations are a little unusual. Here are a few more common translations into German:
Mending - Reperatur, Bane of Arthropods - Nemesis der Gliederfüßer, Silk Touch - Behutsamkeit,
Translation: Some translations into German do not exist.
Blast Protection - Explosionsschutz, Curse of Binding - Fluch der Bindung, Feather Falling - Federfall, Fire Protection - Feuerschutz, Projectile Protection - Projektilschutz, Protection - Schutz, Thorns - Dornen, Enchanted Golden Apple - Verzauberter Goldener Apfel, Block of Amethyst - Amethystblock, Amethyst Shard - Amethystscherbe, Bamboo - Bambus, Bamboo Block - Bambusblock, Stripped Bamboo Block - Entrindeter Bambusblock, Bamboo Door - Bambustür, Bamboo Fence - Bambuszaun, Bamboo Fence Gate - Bambuszauntor, Bamboo Mosaic Plank - Bambusmosaikplanke, Bamboo Plank - Bambusplanke, Bamboo Trapdoor - Bambusfalltür, Bamboo Pressure Plate - Bambusdruckplatte, Barrel - Fass, Bee Nest - Bienennest, Bell - Glocke Blackstone Wall - Schwarzsteinmauer, Blast Furnace - Schmelzofen, Crossbow - Armbrust, Campfire - Lagerfeuer, Soul Campfire - Seelenlagerfeuer, Cartography Table - Kartographentisch, Cherry Door - Kirschtür, Cherry Fence - Kirschzaun, Cherry Gate - Kirschtor, Cherry Trapdoor - Kirschfalltür, Cherry Leaves -Kirschblätter, Cherry Sapling - Kirschsetzling, Cherry Log - Kirschstamm, Cherry Bark - Kirschrinde, Cherry Wood Planks - Kirschplanke, Cherry Pressure Plate - Kirschdruckplatte, Stripped Cherry Log - Entrindeter Kirschstamm, Stripped Cherry Wood - Entrindetes Kirschholz
If you would like me to do more translations, please let me know.
I have collected a few suggestions for improvement.
Death notice:
If you shoot arrows vertically into the air, you cankill yourself. In the chat it says, for example "Frederik hit the ground too hard whilst trying to escape Frederik". That seems illogical. Another death report such as "Frederik shot himself" would be more appropriate.
There are only a few textures that, in my opinion, urgently need to be reworked. One of them is that of the stone sword, which looks more like a dagger.
chatcommand /music
With the chat command /music you can switch the music on and off for a single player. But on my local server I want no one to listen to music. But it would be very inconvenient for each player to have to turn off the music individually. There would be no solution for me to delete the sound files. So a chat command would be good, with which you could switch the music on/off on the entire server.
Du kannst dir auch gerne mal meine beiden andere mods anschauen (Bin, Chimney).
Cool, danke!
I think it is cool, that the "Pizza Oven" has no graphical interface! I like the textures too.
Only 2 thinks:
Plearse answer! :)
I see: You fixed it! Cool, thx! :)
I think, it is a good idea, becaurse if players die, the stuff of them will despawn very fast, and when (he/she) can not find the die-place so fast, the stuff is away for ever. A little tip: In the textures folder is the texture "mcl_formspec_itemslot.png" that is for the chest-slots. You can use the Itemslot-textures, of the Mineclone game (for example: "mcl_formspec_itemslot.png"). Then you save storage space. Much success with your mod!
That would be an option, but you could also just use normal deep slate and not cobbled deep slate. You would have to bake the deep slate first, but that would solve the problem with the same recipes. But do what you think is right. :) PS: The textures are very good!
The idea, to make a own funktion, to make a new tool kind is very nice. I only noticed one error: It is impossible to craft deepslate stuff. That's because the crafting recipes already exists for stone stuff.
Much success for your first mod on ContentDB! :)
Ok, thank you. ;)
Do you think, that it is ok, that the smoke can not fly through the chimney-top away? And if it is not ok, do you have an Idea to evade that?
Cool! :) Do you use the mod on Mineclone or Mineclonia?
Thanks for the idea, but I haven't registered on these platforms, but maybe I'll do so at some point on Github. I have made a new release of my mod, with expansion chimney tops. I hope you meant this kind of design.
Thanks for the comment about the node boxes. You can easily download the source code ( If it is a bit confusing or difficult to understand, I can explain the code. I welcome suggestions for improvement. :)
A good idea, but I'm not very good at 3D modeling, which is why it always takes a long time before I can publish such updates. Thanks anyway, I'll try new shapes when I have time. Ah, and what other chimney types would you bring into the mod? :)
I'll take a look at this platform. And thank you for pointing out the error! :)
You are right: I fixed that too. Thank you. Did you found other mistakes or things you would do differently, becaurse that is the first time that I use funktions in lua?
Thanks! I thought I had put the mod as a minimal version on Minetest 5.5, and not as the only one. I am very grateful that you quickly discovered this error. I will try to avoid the mistake in the future. Thank you so much!
Ok thanks: Unfortunately I couldn't test this mod on versions below Minetest 5.5, which is why I set this as a limitation. Have you tested the mod on another version?
I think the mod is good, becaurse I often need the string of a Item (for my mods) and this mod shows them. For blocks I can use F5 to show the strings but this doesn't work with items. Good job!
The Islands are very nice but I think, that the mod should can work on Mineclone2 and Mineclonia too. I know, that it is not easy, becaurse Mineclone2 and Mineclonia do not have the default mod, but it would be very nice to have Ilands in this games.
The caves are very big and nice. Very good game!
Cool, dass du dich angemeldet hast und danke für die positive bewertung! Funktionieren die Crafting-Rezepte bei dir?
Thank you!