Absolutely fantastic game in many ways. There's lots of meaningful content and a great sense of progression. I'm generally a big fan of tech stuff and this game implements it very well. The artwork is simple but effective and the ambience is very nice. Gameplay is at times a little repetitive/grindy but that is in the nature of Sky Block. And of course, with time you can automate most of the grindy processes.
This is clearly quite competently made, the textures are nice, the movement is smooth and the roads are really neat. The issue is there is not an awful lot to do. You can kind of drift around for a bit and then it gets stale within five minutes. I just really wish there was more to it, like being timed on making it between checkpoints or something, anything really.
The controls are also not as nice as they could be. For one, the steering takes a while to adjust when pressing left or right. I get this has to be the case or else the controls will feel to jerky, but as is they feel to softened. The drifting itself also leaves a lot to be desired because there isn't any sense of angular momentum, the car still responds to steering inputs like normal, which is odd. The deceleration is also very slow, so some means of proper braking would be quite appreciated.
The game has no audio, which is obviously a big problem. Finally, there's a few oddities with the game as a whole, like how you spawn way up in the air and nearly die when hitting the ground or how there's dungeons and caves for no reason. Anyway, I like the game thus far, but it just lacks content.
Something that bothers me very much with many minetest mods is that the artwork leaves much to be desired, but this is definitely an exception. The items are decent but the dragons and blocks are fantastic! I was surprised also at how nice and smooth the animations are. The mod works as promised so really all i have to say is that this is a fantastic mod!
One of the best Luanti games
Absolutely fantastic game in many ways. There's lots of meaningful content and a great sense of progression. I'm generally a big fan of tech stuff and this game implements it very well. The artwork is simple but effective and the ambience is very nice. Gameplay is at times a little repetitive/grindy but that is in the nature of Sky Block. And of course, with time you can automate most of the grindy processes.
Very interesting but sadly very incomplete
This is clearly quite competently made, the textures are nice, the movement is smooth and the roads are really neat. The issue is there is not an awful lot to do. You can kind of drift around for a bit and then it gets stale within five minutes. I just really wish there was more to it, like being timed on making it between checkpoints or something, anything really. The controls are also not as nice as they could be. For one, the steering takes a while to adjust when pressing left or right. I get this has to be the case or else the controls will feel to jerky, but as is they feel to softened. The drifting itself also leaves a lot to be desired because there isn't any sense of angular momentum, the car still responds to steering inputs like normal, which is odd. The deceleration is also very slow, so some means of proper braking would be quite appreciated. The game has no audio, which is obviously a big problem. Finally, there's a few oddities with the game as a whole, like how you spawn way up in the air and nearly die when hitting the ground or how there's dungeons and caves for no reason. Anyway, I like the game thus far, but it just lacks content.
Rare example of great artwork
Something that bothers me very much with many minetest mods is that the artwork leaves much to be desired, but this is definitely an exception. The items are decent but the dragons and blocks are fantastic! I was surprised also at how nice and smooth the animations are. The mod works as promised so really all i have to say is that this is a fantastic mod!