Advanced Forceload
a better forceloading API
Smarter furnace shift+click behavior
Diggable Chests
makes chests, furnaces and such diggable even if not empty
game of the fog
GridLess Craft
crafting grid replacement and better craftguide
NodeCore CTF
(NOT IN DEVELOPMENT AND IS BAD - DO NOT USE) Capture The Flag for NodeCore
Nodecore Paint
Paint anything on node surfaces
NodeCore Playertags
nodecore playertags ported to other games
NodeCore Skyblock
Play NodeCore on floating islands!
NodeCore Skyhell
The ultimate skyblock challenge
NodeCore Snakes
Sneaky snakes in NodeCore!
Nodeternal Darkness
make nodecore very dark
Nonsensical Skyblock
skyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
Offline Phantoms
Players leave "phantoms" when leaving; other players can take items from those
Pipeworks Hole Removal
Removes ugly "tube holes" from chests, furnaces and the like
Skyhell Together
Put all skyhell players on one shared island (NodeCore)
Bypass Protection Sorcery in survival
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