Thank you. You're right, I haven't pushed a major update in a long time. I'm really struggling to get focused back on it but I'm still aimed at doing that this season. I have obligations that are demanding of my time. That's not a complaint, just the reality of life. But I'm here and am about to approve some critical bug fixes on Github that volunteers have coded and am working on building a new community site at soon.
Yes, I guess that does sound accurate. Its been about a year or two since I've worked on an edit like that. Thanks for the reference. Do you know what modules in MeseCraft incorrectly have 'wood' type?
the wood group is useful outside of declaring furniture. you could have wood furniture that could also be considered in the group 'wood'. maybe you should do of statements for each mod available and declare the furnitures you need if e.g. default or moretrees or etc. is avaialble
I appreciate the feedback. I think we'll need to put item number two in your list up to a vote. Some people love it and some people don't like how much CPU it uses.
Thank you for your review and feedback, PlanetVision. MeseCraft is still in-progress. The space skyboxes are currently bugged. They're not broke, just a bit under-developed. I'm hoping to do more with settlers in the future.
What do you mean? MeseCraft uses sfinv and has for some time now. It's stable and fast. There was a time we had a special crafting menu that could autocraft from materials. Also, we haven't moved to i3 at this point.
It is based on default and MTG. It has many new mods, unique mods, and customizations that make it much more than default. Your comment seems shallow and unhelpful. It makes me skeptical that you've played it much at all.
A response to your issues:
* Technic dependencies are planned to be fixed.
* There was background music, but it was removed because it takes very long to long and prevents Android players from playing, this should be fixed in the future.
* Portable chest: have you tried the Void chest?
Torche sin mesecraft are meant to be an early cheap lighting source until players can tech into better more permanent lighting solutions. Sorry you had a bad experience with them. They are meant to make caving a bit more tense and challenging as well as dealing with the smoke that comes from flammable lighting and fire and smoke sources, an element of survival game. You're not the first to complain about this and I'll find a way to balance out the lighting a bit more. Ideally, mese or nether items can be used for lighting for players and builds. Lamps powered by energy instead of fire.
Yes, the lagginess is something that I'm aiming on improving and the ABMs are definitely out of control. I think that is a valid criticism but in order to enable more features and a more dynamic world, I've been relying on changes that are a bit more CPU intensive like the water and lava you described. I'll try to tweak it in the future to be more performant or adjust the tick rate these are processed.
Thank you for the positive mob feedback, I worked really hard on the mobs and trying to had a variety and unique abilities to them.
The alpha stage and changes being made a bit hard because I've been trying to create new namespaces for custom edited mods. ContentDB requires unique namespacing for these. But I also tend not to account for mod aliasing a lot. It's hard to continue development at such an early stage without breaking some things. Thus, the alpha label.
I'm really the only developer on the team. The rest of the people at are community players and some contributors. There isn't really a dev team aside from me (my nonAdmin account is Komodo).
Thank you for your feedback and criticisms, lazerbeak12345. I'll try to keep them in mind as development moves forward. It's been challenging to have time for adjusting all these modifications lately as I'm really the sole and main contributor.
I think this is a fair review. Thank you. It's still pretty early for MeseCraft, as we're still in alpha and are working at integrating and expanding upon the game. Integration of multiple mods so they are properly extended to support the items in the game is something I've worked on and that MeseCraft is a bit special at. I think adding your own mods will be a bit difficult for many as they dont usually account for one another. Improvements will continue to come and there is also for a community experience and support of other players.
Thank you for the review!
It's a good question. I don't see anything wrong with it, but it was likely just because I was logged into the wrong account. However, it is used in MeseCraft heavily, so i can see how it's applicable.
Thank you for the revision. Sorry for the frustrated responses. I'll be working hard to improve the mod further and will consider texture revisions and additional essential features in the future. I think forks should be allowed on ContentDB, provided they have some changes, and users should be able to download, use, and review themselves to allow the best mods to come to the top.
The attitude comes from frustration. I feel like you're bending backwards just to lay down criticisms of this simple mod. I don't agree with your opinions about forked mods or ContentDB. This mod is meant to provide a simple well and well functioning void chest for players and games. You have even said it accomplishes that.
I see that it would add content for other people.
I agree that having a standalone mod is useful, as long as there aren't any others (and indeed, this appears to be the only standalone void chest on CDB).
Your criticism is similar to saying something like Notepad++ is a bad program because you can just install Windows and have notepad. Or fries are bad because you can just get them in a combo meal.
This mod is for a player who wants to add a void chest to their game without having to add an entire bloated mod like xdecor to get that. Void chest allows for a small modular design that allows for granular customization to games. It's simple, compact, clear, modular, and extensible as opposed to a monolithic mod design. It's the best void chest mod on the ContentDB. If you had actually checked out the mod, you'd also have noticed that there are settings that allow a player to customize particle effects, something you cannot get with other mods. You want to be negative about this, that's fine, but you don't have to be unreasonable about it. It didn't click with you, you don't get it, you didn't really even check it out, it's fine. There will always be some level of unhelpful reviews on any sites/post/product. Thanks for your feedback.
What a silly and useless review. Yes, you just complimented the module for the unique offerings that it brings (particles and recipe), which are great, yes, and the entire point of this standalone mod. But then knock it for really odd things like the texture and a "feeling" that it doeos exactly what it is intended to do.
You said
"this is a standalone copy of xdecor's Ender Chest. Perhaps that should be noted somewhere."
But if you would have simply read the readme for the mod that you are supposedly reviewing, you'd see:
The textures used for void chests are from jp's "xdecor" mod, which in turn are from the PixelBOX Reloaded texture pack for Minetest.
I think you've completely missed the point and left a really unfair review.
This mod simply adds a void chest to the game and allows for some simple settings to control it. I've represented the mod and credited the sources. I don't understand your criticisms and unfair negative review.
Thank you for your kind review and fair criticism!
A manual and more tips would be helpful for new players. We've been discussing that at and are working on coming up with some ways to make the game more user friendly for new players. Crops are set to take a bit longer than they are in other games. They will grow, but they require some patients and probably alternative food sources until you are harvesting crops. However, in singlelplayer, this should still work. I haven't heard of it not working properly in SP. I set a higher stage time to make the game slightly more realistic in this regard.
Mobs Redo is a fantastic mobs API. It was one of the first mods I started using for MeseCraft. Sure, the mobs created with this using the default parameters may be a bit simple, but there is enough extensibility within the API to give varying character to mobs if one is determined enough to do so.
The Mobs Redo API is very stable and mature as well. Yes, there are newer, more complex, and capable API's for Mobs, but they are not at the level of stability and maturity that Mobs Redo currently has. This with TenPlus1's history of quickly updating bugs and maintaining his repositories really well, makes this an excellent addition to many games and worlds. There are some bugs and quirks with the API that you will encounter, but there are enough options within the API to work around most of these.
The mobs perform well, it might not run on lowest end hardware, but overall, I've never noticed any significant slow downs resulting from this mod that wasn't my own fault for not understanding how to optimize spawns.
To summarize, this is a well-rounded and mature mobs API that is easy to use and learn. It is well maintained by TenPlus1. Recommended.
I've been trying to peice elements of a narrative and larger world view and have some notes and writing expanding on a story.
Thank you. You're right, I haven't pushed a major update in a long time. I'm really struggling to get focused back on it but I'm still aimed at doing that this season. I have obligations that are demanding of my time. That's not a complaint, just the reality of life. But I'm here and am about to approve some critical bug fixes on Github that volunteers have coded and am working on building a new community site at soon.
Yes, I guess that does sound accurate. Its been about a year or two since I've worked on an edit like that. Thanks for the reference. Do you know what modules in MeseCraft incorrectly have 'wood' type?
Im not sure I understand
the wood group is useful outside of declaring furniture. you could have wood furniture that could also be considered in the group 'wood'. maybe you should do of statements for each mod available and declare the furnitures you need if e.g. default or moretrees or etc. is avaialble
I appreciate the feedback. I think we'll need to put item number two in your list up to a vote. Some people love it and some people don't like how much CPU it uses.
Thank you for your review and feedback, PlanetVision. MeseCraft is still in-progress. The space skyboxes are currently bugged. They're not broke, just a bit under-developed. I'm hoping to do more with settlers in the future.
What do you mean? MeseCraft uses sfinv and has for some time now. It's stable and fast. There was a time we had a special crafting menu that could autocraft from materials. Also, we haven't moved to i3 at this point.
I really appreciate the feedback you've left for us. I'll continue to work hard at improving the game. Thank you so much for the helpful review.
It is based on default and MTG. It has many new mods, unique mods, and customizations that make it much more than default. Your comment seems shallow and unhelpful. It makes me skeptical that you've played it much at all.
Thank you for much for the review!
A response to your issues: * Technic dependencies are planned to be fixed. * There was background music, but it was removed because it takes very long to long and prevents Android players from playing, this should be fixed in the future. * Portable chest: have you tried the Void chest?
Once again thank you! :)
thank you so much!❤
Torche sin mesecraft are meant to be an early cheap lighting source until players can tech into better more permanent lighting solutions. Sorry you had a bad experience with them. They are meant to make caving a bit more tense and challenging as well as dealing with the smoke that comes from flammable lighting and fire and smoke sources, an element of survival game. You're not the first to complain about this and I'll find a way to balance out the lighting a bit more. Ideally, mese or nether items can be used for lighting for players and builds. Lamps powered by energy instead of fire.
Yes, the lagginess is something that I'm aiming on improving and the ABMs are definitely out of control. I think that is a valid criticism but in order to enable more features and a more dynamic world, I've been relying on changes that are a bit more CPU intensive like the water and lava you described. I'll try to tweak it in the future to be more performant or adjust the tick rate these are processed.
Thank you for the positive mob feedback, I worked really hard on the mobs and trying to had a variety and unique abilities to them.
The alpha stage and changes being made a bit hard because I've been trying to create new namespaces for custom edited mods. ContentDB requires unique namespacing for these. But I also tend not to account for mod aliasing a lot. It's hard to continue development at such an early stage without breaking some things. Thus, the alpha label.
I'm really the only developer on the team. The rest of the people at are community players and some contributors. There isn't really a dev team aside from me (my nonAdmin account is Komodo).
Thank you for your feedback and criticisms, lazerbeak12345. I'll try to keep them in mind as development moves forward. It's been challenging to have time for adjusting all these modifications lately as I'm really the sole and main contributor.
I think this is a fair review. Thank you. It's still pretty early for MeseCraft, as we're still in alpha and are working at integrating and expanding upon the game. Integration of multiple mods so they are properly extended to support the items in the game is something I've worked on and that MeseCraft is a bit special at. I think adding your own mods will be a bit difficult for many as they dont usually account for one another. Improvements will continue to come and there is also for a community experience and support of other players. Thank you for the review!
I'm commander Sheppard and This is my favorite review on the citadel.
consider checking out and mesecraft games sometime too!
thank you, here's you discount on our mods and games!
It's a good question. I don't see anything wrong with it, but it was likely just because I was logged into the wrong account. However, it is used in MeseCraft heavily, so i can see how it's applicable.
Thank you!
Replaced with a free sound and credited. Adjusted the license file.
Replaced the Pachabell track with Mozart with a better license. Adjusted the license file.
Reworked all the textures. Adjusted the license file.
Replaced in-use NC assets with free assets (seagulls). Removed mentioned of not-used sound files from SoundLicenses.txt
Good catch! Thank you! I'll get those replaced ASAP, I have time today to do this :)
converted review into a thread
Thank you for the revision. Sorry for the frustrated responses. I'll be working hard to improve the mod further and will consider texture revisions and additional essential features in the future. I think forks should be allowed on ContentDB, provided they have some changes, and users should be able to download, use, and review themselves to allow the best mods to come to the top.
The attitude comes from frustration. I feel like you're bending backwards just to lay down criticisms of this simple mod. I don't agree with your opinions about forked mods or ContentDB. This mod is meant to provide a simple well and well functioning void chest for players and games. You have even said it accomplishes that.
Your criticism is similar to saying something like Notepad++ is a bad program because you can just install Windows and have notepad. Or fries are bad because you can just get them in a combo meal. This mod is for a player who wants to add a void chest to their game without having to add an entire bloated mod like xdecor to get that. Void chest allows for a small modular design that allows for granular customization to games. It's simple, compact, clear, modular, and extensible as opposed to a monolithic mod design. It's the best void chest mod on the ContentDB. If you had actually checked out the mod, you'd also have noticed that there are settings that allow a player to customize particle effects, something you cannot get with other mods. You want to be negative about this, that's fine, but you don't have to be unreasonable about it. It didn't click with you, you don't get it, you didn't really even check it out, it's fine. There will always be some level of unhelpful reviews on any sites/post/product. Thanks for your feedback.
What a silly and useless review. Yes, you just complimented the module for the unique offerings that it brings (particles and recipe), which are great, yes, and the entire point of this standalone mod. But then knock it for really odd things like the texture and a "feeling" that it doeos exactly what it is intended to do.
You said
But if you would have simply read the readme for the mod that you are supposedly reviewing, you'd see:
I think you've completely missed the point and left a really unfair review.
This mod simply adds a void chest to the game and allows for some simple settings to control it. I've represented the mod and credited the sources. I don't understand your criticisms and unfair negative review.
Thank you for your kind review and fair criticism!
A manual and more tips would be helpful for new players. We've been discussing that at and are working on coming up with some ways to make the game more user friendly for new players. Crops are set to take a bit longer than they are in other games. They will grow, but they require some patients and probably alternative food sources until you are harvesting crops. However, in singlelplayer, this should still work. I haven't heard of it not working properly in SP. I set a higher stage time to make the game slightly more realistic in this regard.
Mobs Redo is a fantastic mobs API. It was one of the first mods I started using for MeseCraft. Sure, the mobs created with this using the default parameters may be a bit simple, but there is enough extensibility within the API to give varying character to mobs if one is determined enough to do so.
The Mobs Redo API is very stable and mature as well. Yes, there are newer, more complex, and capable API's for Mobs, but they are not at the level of stability and maturity that Mobs Redo currently has. This with TenPlus1's history of quickly updating bugs and maintaining his repositories really well, makes this an excellent addition to many games and worlds. There are some bugs and quirks with the API that you will encounter, but there are enough options within the API to work around most of these.
The mobs perform well, it might not run on lowest end hardware, but overall, I've never noticed any significant slow downs resulting from this mod that wasn't my own fault for not understanding how to optimize spawns.
To summarize, this is a well-rounded and mature mobs API that is easy to use and learn. It is well maintained by TenPlus1. Recommended.
Thank you so much for the review! Yes, it's a simple thing, but it really does fit in perfect :)