Thanks, I really appreciate it!
Which seeds do you feel are bad? The MTG ones? And, the sheep; that's just their style.
Отличный пакет ресурсов для строительства!
via google translate:
An excellent package of resources for construction!
Thanks! Much appreciated.
Really great quality-of-life mod; works wonderfully!
It's very easy to use. Lots of subtitles out of the box, and easy to implement your own support for the mod.
The only minor issue I've seen so far, was some subtitle spam crashing the mod. Specifically, the "Fire burns" sound in Mcl2; while in the Nether.
But, adding a simple duration time to the subtitle description fixed the spam, & crash.
"descriptions.lua" file; Line 108:
subtitles.register_description('fire_fire', S'Fire burns', {duration = 1});
Hey, thanks! Yea, I understand my unique take on some things may not suit everyone's tastes. But, I appreciate the honest, and supportive review!
Sorry for the late reply. But, thanks; I appreciate the support!
Only showing replies to public threads
Thanks, I really appreciate it!
Which seeds do you feel are bad? The MTG ones? And, the sheep; that's just their style.
via google translate:
Thanks! Much appreciated.
Really great quality-of-life mod; works wonderfully!
It's very easy to use. Lots of subtitles out of the box, and easy to implement your own support for the mod.
The only minor issue I've seen so far, was some subtitle spam crashing the mod. Specifically, the "Fire burns" sound in Mcl2; while in the Nether.
But, adding a simple duration time to the subtitle description fixed the spam, & crash.
"descriptions.lua" file; Line 108:
Hey, thanks! Yea, I understand my unique take on some things may not suit everyone's tastes. But, I appreciate the honest, and supportive review!
Sorry for the late reply. But, thanks; I appreciate the support!