It's only playable in MTG or similar games that are just as ugly.
It would be nice if it were "game agnostic" or if it were also compatible with MineClone or MineClonia.
It would be a pleasure to play this in MCL.
Many think it's like Minecraft, but it's much better.
Is like MineCraft but it's lighter.
Is like MineClone but much lighter and more stable.
Also is maintained, MineClone is rarely updated or fixed.
In MineClone when you report a bug it is sometimes ignored for months, other times they tell you that that bug is probably caused by a mod and that they won't fix it, even when you don't use mods. But this does not happen in MineClonia.
It would be nice to build a small section of the server to contain unlimited purchases of items and emeralds. (e.g. 32 pieces of wood for 1 emerald, and the admin of the server doesn't need to keep empting the shop and keep his/her emerald account full, or even 1 diamond for 4 emeralds, and again the admin doesn't need to keep restocking it with diamonds)
Admin shops now avaliable
Point 2: Upgrade shops to sell/buy more items in 1 block/node
not yet
Point 3: No easy way to contribute
Due to the fact that this software has been label'd "libre software" (free software), does this means we don't have a public place to contribute code segments? (e.g. I know lua, know minetest's api, I'm willing to help on occasions, but there isn't a public place where the code is, so I can't help)
te extraño estak
Nice mod! Nice License! :)
Hola estak vuelve al server, se llama MineCruft
es genial, me gustaria ver algo asi en juegos jugables como MineClonia, ya que usar esto en MTG es aburrido por su poca jugabilidad.
por cierto podrias poner enlaces a MakeHuman o su plugin para blender porque no se lo que son
It is very fun and great to play with friends, I have installed it on a server to play with my friends and it works very well
Es un poco aburrido
NFreeman was blown by Creeper.
Un juego divertido pero exige mucha habilidad
Now I can put beautiful signs in my world!
It's only playable in MTG or similar games that are just as ugly. It would be nice if it were "game agnostic" or if it were also compatible with MineClone or MineClonia. It would be a pleasure to play this in MCL.
I find the level design too complicated.
Its textures and interactions are based on the ugly MTG, I would like it if it looked more like MineClone or MineClonia. It is also very difficult.
try base ur game on mineclone/mineclonia
MTG is dead
another default mod based game
Many think it's like Minecraft, but it's much better.
Is like MineCraft but it's lighter.
Is like MineClone but much lighter and more stable.
Also is maintained, MineClone is rarely updated or fixed.
In MineClone when you report a bug it is sometimes ignored for months, other times they tell you that that bug is probably caused by a mod and that they won't fix it, even when you don't use mods. But this does not happen in MineClonia.
You can migrate from a MineClone world to MineClonia without problems.
MineClonia is Free Software and that will allow everyone to extend it, with mods that Minecraft could only dream of.
To make mods in Minecraft it was necessary for hackers to create external tools like Forge.
To make mods in MineClonia you have thousands of available tools and APIs. You can do anything you imagine ;D
Admin shops now avaliable
not yet
we have a git repo
Crea un ambiente intrigante y misterioso que seguro acabara siendo genial y podrá inspirar a otros juegos
UwU.................. owo
cute and scary mobs
do you know dfcaverns mod? is a nice mod but dont have creatures
very useful to make an adventure mod
the best cave mod ever
so usefull to set names to NPCs or Bosses
me estropea la experiencia de juego, no me gusta este mod
no me gusta, he visto mods de economia mejores
no me gusta este mod me parece inutil
no me gusta este mod
no me ha gustado nada
muy lindo me gusta mucho
This is non Free/Libre Software
With this License, this software is non-free as in Freedom.
muy util para crear mis propios mapas para el juego BlockBomber
No sirve no puedo pelar las maderas
No funciona nada
Es mejor este que hace algo parecido
No sirve, no hace nada
No funciona, no aparecen flores en mi jueguito
El juego y la idea es buena, pero como el propio autor dice, es una version inacabada
La generacion es buena pero me aburro jugando
El codigo fuente esta disponible claro, es Software Libre.
Se nota que no has leido los enlaces que he puesto.
La clave para entender esto es que Software Libre es distinto y es mejor que open source.
Añade esto a MineClone para tener un nuevo juego muy divertido
Multi herramientas para MineClone, un clasico