Endlich gibt es die Möglichkeit für Übersetzungen :-)
Deine Möbel sind einfach fantastisch und sehen sehr gut aus. Die Möglichkeit, selbst einzelne Schubladen abzuschließen und für einzelne Mitspieler Zugriff zu gewähren, finde ich
ausgesprochen gut.
Für unseren Server ein must have ;)
Finally, there is the option for translations :-)
Your furniture is simply fantastic and looks very good. I think the option of locking individual drawers and granting access to individual players is really good.
A must-have for our server ;)
2024-10-27 19:31:11: ACTION[Main]: Server: Shutting down
2024-10-27 19:31:13: ERROR[Main]: ServerError: AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'vape' in callback environment_Step(): ...\minetest\bin..\mods\vape\init.lua:35: attempt to call method 'remove' (a nil value)
es macht richtig Spass, mal eine Runde zu dampfen. Man bekommt sogar einen kleinen Schaden fürs dampfen. Zusammen mit der "wine" Mod von TenPlus1 wird jetzt eine nette Kneipe gebaut :-D
it's really fun to vape for a while. you even get a little damage for vaping. together with the wine mod, a nice pub is now being built :-D
I like the idea. I have a player who loves to vape. He will be thrilled to be able to do that in Luanti now :)
But, how do you get the vape in survival mode?
hi, first, thanks for making shulker boxes :-)
I tried the latest release (1.2.2) and here my results:
inventory is now there, but the
* recipes are gone, can't craft it in survival
* invalid color "dark_green" , dark green shulker is grey
* If an item is in the box, I can't dig the box
hi, I just tried your mod, but I can't put anything in the box. No slots are displayed, but there is a double inventory bar. Some images are also missing, as can be seen in the screenshot.
we are looking forward to having shulker boxes on our server :-)
And another cool mod with few dependencies.
One of my players immediately fell in love with the traffic lights :)
Tomorrow I get to redesign our streets, but I'm happy to do it.
we love the mod! author reacts very very quickly, reported bug was fixed after 7 hours. Danke :)
für alle die freie Sicht brauchen, seit man in 5.11.0 Luanti die Wolken clientseitig nicht mehr deaktivieren kann.
Thank you! :)
for all those who need a clear view since you can no longer disable the clouds on the client side in 5.11.0 Luanti
Endlich gibt es die Möglichkeit für Übersetzungen :-)
Deine Möbel sind einfach fantastisch und sehen sehr gut aus. Die Möglichkeit, selbst einzelne Schubladen abzuschließen und für einzelne Mitspieler Zugriff zu gewähren, finde ich ausgesprochen gut. Für unseren Server ein must have ;)
Finally, there is the option for translations :-)
Your furniture is simply fantastic and looks very good. I think the option of locking individual drawers and granting access to individual players is really good. A must-have for our server ;)
hi Lebedev,
now it works perfectly. The server hasn't crashed anymore...thank you for fixing the issue so quickly :)
great, I'll try it out right now. I'll give you feedback after a while. Thank you :-)
couldn't find anything to report a server crash:
es macht richtig Spass, mal eine Runde zu dampfen. Man bekommt sogar einen kleinen Schaden fürs dampfen. Zusammen mit der "wine" Mod von TenPlus1 wird jetzt eine nette Kneipe gebaut :-D
it's really fun to vape for a while. you even get a little damage for vaping. together with the wine mod, a nice pub is now being built :-D
just updated...perfect :)
hi, I like the idea. I have a player who loves to vape. He will be thrilled to be able to do that in Luanti now :) But, how do you get the vape in survival mode?
all right, we have a saying here: good things take time...so take a break and take the time you need.
we'll wait patiently :-)
hi, first, thanks for making shulker boxes :-) I tried the latest release (1.2.2) and here my results: inventory is now there, but the * recipes are gone, can't craft it in survival * invalid color "dark_green" , dark green shulker is grey * If an item is in the box, I can't dig the box
hi, I just tried your mod, but I can't put anything in the box. No slots are displayed, but there is a double inventory bar. Some images are also missing, as can be seen in the screenshot. we are looking forward to having shulker boxes on our server :-)
and another fine addition to Mineclonia :-)
Don't worry, everything is working fine now! Thank you for fixing it so quickly. Now using it on my Server :-)
finally more variants for andesite, diorite and granite. Thanks :-)
yes, thank you very much. I just updated it. but unfortunately the walls are no longer connected
hi, I tried it with a stone pickaxe and an iron pickaxe but I don't get the wall back.
great! 6 pages less recipes on my server Thanks :)