Top 14.8% reviewer
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Top 6 mod
SaKeL has a mod placed at #6.
Has received 121749 downloads across all packages.
Adds many new biomes, items and blocks.
Adds spawners for mobs, dungeons, temples and ores.
X Bows
Adds bow and arrows with API.
X Bows Extras
Adds more bows/guns and arrows to Minetest using X Bows API.
X Clay
Adds hardened clay.
X Enchanting
Adds Enchanting Mechanics and API.
X Farming
Farming with new plants, crops, trees, ice fishing, bees, candles, scarecrow, crates, composter, bonemeal, ropes, pies...
X Obsidianmese
Shooting sword, woodcutting / treecapitator axe, multiple plow blocks / plant seeds hoe, path creating shovel, pickaxe can place secondary items (e.g. torches) and more...
X Tumbleweed
Adds Tumbleweed.
Updated textures
appreciate the new textures on behalf of everyone who might have found them inappropriate in the past
Fun and easy to use
Like how easy it is to export/import to Blender. Works nicely. So far used for hero images/thumbnails. The only time consuming thing is to click through all the materials and set the texture to "closest" and blend mode to "alpha clip" so be mindful when exporting mesh with many nodes with alpha textures in Eevee.
Nice refreshing look
glad to see some proper texturing what looks and fits to MT very good and does not redo the whole doors API/logic.
world edit for the win
Started using world edit ages ago and it was powerful then.... but today its not bad at all :) still the powerful commands as before with many improvements. Appreciate that its still well and alive!
nice troll
But not a real useful mod
Much better than writing slices in text files
Much better than writing slices in text files and converting them to mts files. Saves a lot of time and headache. Thanks!
Save time testing biomes
Nice mod for developing biomes and saves a lot of time. Thanks!