3d ores!
a slick new take on the default ores!
Badass Mech (or cool mech)
An addon that adds a badass mech, or “BAM” (this is a cool mech if the name is in any way confusing).
blackhole containment box
cool swirvy gravitational blackhole boxes, that can be used to "ahnialate" enemy bases, or for "deforestation" aah i love abms! (extra dramatic!))
adds fun balls with basic physics, to play (socker, basket ball, and hockey, with!
HCBP 18_01 Parasite - beta
Adds an Injector, Containing a sample of the HCBP 18_01 Parasite (Highly Contageous Blood Parasite). use on your enemys. and or your friends, if youre a backstabber!
lil lizard pal
a minetest addon made by a very smart person, adds a node based lizard in a glass box to the game. (he can die if you dont feed him)
Object Tracking Tablet
a fun new item used to locate: players, dropped items, entitys, and anything else that falls under the object catagory!
the curse of the corngirl
adds a creepy cornfield, with a dark secret...
nice texture
i like the texture and the idea, but the thing with currency, is that it has to be worth something, the thing with making a coin item without a crafting recipe (for creative use) is that survival and creative users have no need for it. you have to make it craftable, maybe make it crafted of gold or something, and make it so it can be used as a stand in for 8 gold, like this:
minetest.register_craft({ output = "only_a_coin:coin", recipe = { {"default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot"}, {"default:gold_ingot", "", "default:gold_ingot"}, {"default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot", "default:gold_ingot"}, }, })
and vice versa
really cool!
i love how it is able to puch groups of nodes forwards! i especially like how it is able to help flatten land. i also like how it is able to ease into the next level, or platform, unlike the vehichles mod, or any other car mods, that simply pop onto the next level. fun and original mod!
like the idea
the granite and andisite blocks in the game are almost useless (except for a feuw decorative stair, slab and wall blocks), your blocks, and recipes being added just makes sense :) good mod
great mod!
cool doors, cool nodes, cool craftitems, cool alien eggs, (personally on of my favorite parts!) creative textures, and some great tubes, and light nodes! altogether a beloved mod, surprized nobody else has reviewed it!
adds fun critters
adds fun mobs to your world, thanks to Tenplus1 "youre not alone anymore!" also, can you add a lizard mob? my friend is absolutely obsesed with them and he just graduated. and, i think it would make a great addition to your animal pack. sense from what i see you you do not have any reptiles, so far. thanks! your the man!
amazing game,!
has a bunch of cool shit like all of the mobs, and pretty much all the content of mincraft, mineclone reins supreme!
-------but why did you change the name of the game? the game already has more than 400 downloads, why change the game now, every person who wants to update/download the game will not only have trouble finding it, the game also looks like its in denial. i have no problum with changing the name, i just think you should have had better timing. great game, but if you wanted to change the name, you should have done it a lot earlier, it just creates a lot of confusion. besides that, amazing game! 85.23 in my opinion!
happy happy little whisps!
i love these cite little guys, they seem to only come out at night, they add this "mysteryous" layer to the forest, by decorating it with happy happy little glowing pals, so cute. love it! i also love how they can be caught with a "speacial" jar, fun! also, i love how they are non entity based, and are mainly particles, original, lovely mod!
a just "splendid" mobs mod
this mod adds vast amounts of entitys to your caves, including snakes, lizards, varius worms, yetis, and even "weird floaty thingys"! and if you are a perfectionist, and you think every mod should have nodes, this mod comes with several underground biomes to fit your every survival/gathering need! splendid, entertaining, and creative. great job!
it seems so obvious..... but yet so genius!!!!!!!!
wow, just wow. i am surprised nobody came up with this yet! i admire your creative thinking, well done!
very very useful
this mod is the stone base for any mob creators out there, i love how it comes with its own guide, in the form of api.txt, which was infinetly helpful in understanding a mod as complex as this. it has a lot of "dynamicity"..... it is a very dynamic mod, without being super complex and hard to understand. it comes with pretty much everything you could possibly need to create the mob of your dreams.
ps. i was creating a mob, and i could not find a way to make my mob see an enemy through walls. is that included, if so i missed it. if not that is the only relevent thing i could find that is not included in this mod. "the ideal mobbing base" --soundwavez 2024
wow just wow!!!
wow you have really outdone yourself jordan! amazing, just freakishly outstanding!!! no words just magical! how is this your only mod on cdb!!! your the man jordan!
crucial for survival and creative alike!
I consider this mod crucial for my survival, and creative worlds, it allows you to teleport to the spawn instantly by saying /spawn which is quite convinient considering most players like to hang out near there, in servers without the mod, i find myself almost always forgetting where the crucial world point is located, but not anymore. now, i tap 6 keys, and poof im there! thanks lag01 :)
honestly, i liked it
i am not sure why everyone is hating on it, it was a nice game, when i played it i just needed something to do, it was a simple but commitable mission, i liked how the drill needed to recharge every so often, and i liked the gravity affect, it created a sense of realism, what did you expect haters? its the moon for heavens sake! not xaenviroment! of corse there are only four nodes, once again its the moon, from what i have seen, there is nothing saying this is supposed to be an adventure game, it is meant to be purely educational, not entertaining. not only that, it created an easy to use game base, which can be used to place a structure on air in a game, which i intend on using in in my next game. ----ps i hate it when everyone just hates on something at the same time, its just unreasonable and unnececary.
altogether great mod!
i have used tis mod countless times,adds a whole new layer to dark horror games, (very creepy), surprisingly smooth node transition, nice texture, and has the most satisfying on/off sound ever. i was thinking of using it in a game i have been working on, would that be alright? also i had no idea you made this mod, great job man. thumbs up from me!