Knowing what other players are holding is an essential polish to a multiplayer server. Both because it cuts down on the unneccesary confusion with what items you have. But also so that you can be ready when your teamate decides he doesn't like you anymore.
This mod really helps servers feel more polished, and makes them much more playable.
The ability to turn different modes on and off is key with this mod. It increases your workflow considerably.
Being a relatively new mod there are a few bugs to be worked out, but none that particularly subtract from the experience, most of them being edge cases that you are reletively unlikely to run into.
Overall, fairly polished and easy to use. Very helpful for mapmaking and visualizing things.
This mod is the quickest way to sketch out a scene and bring it into your favorite 3D software.
It's powerful yet simple, I've used this mod a few times and it requires very little setup or cleanup on either end.
Would recommend for any animators/thumbnail artists, etc. out there. Also very helpful for visualizing things, because you can create the space, export it and then open it up in a software where you can move things around and add things easier.
I've used this mod for years and have been constantly surpised how well it fits into my workflow. I've been able to save hours of my time, including during the 2024 Game Jam during mapmaking.
Absolutely essential to server builders, mapmakers, and the like.
Once you get the hang of the minor limitations it's very fast to use, one minor flaw is it's steep learning curve, as every command and argument has to be learned individually. Thankfully a fully filled out parameters field is available for about all of the commands. I would suggest using several other World Edit mods with this one for maximum efficiency, but it is very usable as a standalone tool.
This is one of the best looking, best compatability inventory mods out there, I've used it for years and highly recommend it to users looking for ease of use, not only for modding, but also for playing.
The layout is very ergonomic and easy to customize. The aesthetic is pleasing and easy to understand. The api is moddable and modular making it one of the easier inventory mods to work with.
you may have missed it, but I said before that I believe it's an error with compatability. Either that or I overlooked a functionality of a certain method I used that wasn't made backwards compatible.
I'm sad you didn't have the patience to solve it, I had intended to implement some sort of map of sorts, but I didn't have the time. As for the breathing sounds people have contradictory opinions. It was added originally in the start of game dev to add some atmoshpere, because there weren't any other sounds.
There are a few hints in the ship that you may have missed that give you a little more backstory, for example, the paper pad that says Institute for Orbital Space Research Laboratories, is a direct clue to why you are in the spaceship if you care to extrapolate, basically you are part of the crew on the space research laboratory station. The whole thing about the other crewmates was in the back of my head the whole time while making the game but I never got around to getting a reasonable explanation in order.
I've seen this error in playtesting on a really obscure version of playtesting and thought I fixed it, I'm guessing there's smth I didn't notice about the compatibility. The second warning about wielded light is normal and I didn't have the time to dive down the rabbit hole of how to modify a submodule and have it work on contentdb.
This is very helpful, you've successfully just about reinforced every point I could of thought of about my game that is bad, very thorough. And while I did test the parkour to make sure you would not fall mid jump because of the pop up, I do admit that putting my stoyline in a formspec was a really bad idea.
Thanks, most people like to give their criticism white hot from the oven and I appreciate you taking the time to be a little nicer about it. (not to offend the other people who left reviews)
And yes, I feel like you hit the nail right on the head, more interaction and more time would have made the game much better. At this point I've learned a little about how much each part of the game making proccess takes (normall you don't think about it).
In the first point about going from point A to B I can think of quite a few games that do this sort of thing, but I get where you are coming from. There isn't anything interesting in between the points A and B, I think that's probably what sets the issue apart from other games.
I already am aware of the issues with the ending, it's a problem with either luanti or my knowledge of how to use it. I realize that was a big killer for my game and really wish I could've figureed it out before the end of the jam, but I was pretty much cooked by then end, so I couldn't push myself to keep trying to figure it out when I had already spent a day on it.
ow... but helpful I guess. Thanks for the feedback, and I will try to take it as constructive and not take it personally. Maybe after Christmas break I will revist it and fix some things. I'm afraid the fact I captured the tone of earlier game jams is the fact that that's all I had to go off of. Now to be fair, I wrote the stoyline in about a week, and spent my time mostly in little details or the underlying programming structure. For example I spent like five days making models in blender which was fun but wasted a bit of time. The quest system being simple is probably a biproduct of me trying to make it easy to follow, as the quests themselves were entirly logical, the story side of it was left somewhat lacking. The breathing was implemented to add suspensful and yet somewhat calming ambience reminding you that you are alone. I actually found during development of the game that the breathing sounds sometimes caused slower breathing, sometimes I would notice that I actually was barely breathing at all. Generally the sound design there was supposed to be slightly odd, and to remind you that something was wrong. As for the sense of danger this is absolutely correct, I am actually kinda mad at myself for this one, I implemented several techniques to subvert the calming behaviour of the mood, but in the end, it still really hard to feel scared besides the storyline, which is leaking clues everywhere that you will probably die soon.
Wuzzy's style shows through every facet of this puzzling game, which makes it all the more fun.
Creepy, intense and realaxing all at the same time. The perfect puzzle to keep you up at night...
Thanks, yeah I adjusted the sounds to how I had my volume set at the time, so it can be a bit annoying. The Breathing sounds is an ephemeral sound which makes it sounds generally louder than other sounds, like footsteps.
This game is a lot of fun, featuring customizable loadouts and waves of monsters. The movement and mechanics are crazy, I never thought I'd see something this adanced in Luanti!
Extremely satisfying, the controls are a bit slow. But once you get the hang of it, it's very fun.
Love the sound design as well, really adds to the atmosphere.
This game is pretty short, but it's an interesting idea. The bossfight is kinda the only part of the game and is pretty repetitive, althoug once it gets down to low health it gets faster and can finally catch up to you.
This game is interesting to play, although the spaceship doesn't seem to work as expected. You just get yeeted out and fall to your death.
Cool textures though for the nodes.
Also got an error when I left the game. Not breaking but thought I'd put it here until it's fixed.
AsyncErr: Lua: Runtime error from mod 'stl_core' in callback environment_Step(): ...ithub/luanti2/bin/../games/stellua/mods/stl_core/sky.lua:87: bad argument #1 to 'get_slot_info' (table expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'get_slot_info'
...ithub/luanti2/bin/../games/stellua/mods/stl_core/sky.lua:87: in function <...ithub/luanti2/bin/../games/stellua/mods/stl_core/sky.lua:73>
...samuel/Github/luanti2/bin/../builtin/common/register.lua:26: in function <...samuel/Github/luanti2/bin/../builtin/common/register.lua:12>
The game is an absolute joy to play from beginning to end. It shows an amaziing idea and I really can't wait to see what it becomes in the future.
The NPCs are a good touch aswell. The game almost feels as if it doesn't take itself too seriously, which makes the game so much more fun.
Almost every part of the game coheres perfectly.
The game is very short though, and it's definitely not replayable (yet :wink:).
Tends to be pretty slow at the start, but once you get going it can get a bit faster.
The inability to move the npcs around is limiting, but the pathfinding works as good as it needs to.
Some missing textures and odd mechanics, but overall a very new and interesting system.
They are very rare, otherwise this may be a problem caused by the Islands mod.
I will take a look at it, but may not be able to fix anything for a week as I am out of town.
Knowing what other players are holding is an essential polish to a multiplayer server. Both because it cuts down on the unneccesary confusion with what items you have. But also so that you can be ready when your teamate decides he doesn't like you anymore.
This mod really helps servers feel more polished, and makes them much more playable.
The ability to turn different modes on and off is key with this mod. It increases your workflow considerably.
Being a relatively new mod there are a few bugs to be worked out, but none that particularly subtract from the experience, most of them being edge cases that you are reletively unlikely to run into.
Overall, fairly polished and easy to use. Very helpful for mapmaking and visualizing things.
This mod is the quickest way to sketch out a scene and bring it into your favorite 3D software. It's powerful yet simple, I've used this mod a few times and it requires very little setup or cleanup on either end.
Would recommend for any animators/thumbnail artists, etc. out there. Also very helpful for visualizing things, because you can create the space, export it and then open it up in a software where you can move things around and add things easier.
I've used this mod for years and have been constantly surpised how well it fits into my workflow. I've been able to save hours of my time, including during the 2024 Game Jam during mapmaking.
Absolutely essential to server builders, mapmakers, and the like.
Once you get the hang of the minor limitations it's very fast to use, one minor flaw is it's steep learning curve, as every command and argument has to be learned individually. Thankfully a fully filled out parameters field is available for about all of the commands. I would suggest using several other World Edit mods with this one for maximum efficiency, but it is very usable as a standalone tool.
This is one of the best looking, best compatability inventory mods out there, I've used it for years and highly recommend it to users looking for ease of use, not only for modding, but also for playing.
The layout is very ergonomic and easy to customize. The aesthetic is pleasing and easy to understand. The api is moddable and modular making it one of the easier inventory mods to work with.
you may have missed it, but I said before that I believe it's an error with compatability. Either that or I overlooked a functionality of a certain method I used that wasn't made backwards compatible.
as I said before I can't just modify the submodule as far as I know, because of the way contentdb does it.
I'm sad you didn't have the patience to solve it, I had intended to implement some sort of map of sorts, but I didn't have the time. As for the breathing sounds people have contradictory opinions. It was added originally in the start of game dev to add some atmoshpere, because there weren't any other sounds.
There are a few hints in the ship that you may have missed that give you a little more backstory, for example, the paper pad that says Institute for Orbital Space Research Laboratories, is a direct clue to why you are in the spaceship if you care to extrapolate, basically you are part of the crew on the space research laboratory station. The whole thing about the other crewmates was in the back of my head the whole time while making the game but I never got around to getting a reasonable explanation in order.
I've seen this error in playtesting on a really obscure version of playtesting and thought I fixed it, I'm guessing there's smth I didn't notice about the compatibility. The second warning about wielded light is normal and I didn't have the time to dive down the rabbit hole of how to modify a submodule and have it work on contentdb.
This is very helpful, you've successfully just about reinforced every point I could of thought of about my game that is bad, very thorough. And while I did test the parkour to make sure you would not fall mid jump because of the pop up, I do admit that putting my stoyline in a formspec was a really bad idea.
Thanks, most people like to give their criticism white hot from the oven and I appreciate you taking the time to be a little nicer about it. (not to offend the other people who left reviews)
And yes, I feel like you hit the nail right on the head, more interaction and more time would have made the game much better. At this point I've learned a little about how much each part of the game making proccess takes (normall you don't think about it).
In the first point about going from point A to B I can think of quite a few games that do this sort of thing, but I get where you are coming from. There isn't anything interesting in between the points A and B, I think that's probably what sets the issue apart from other games.
I already am aware of the issues with the ending, it's a problem with either luanti or my knowledge of how to use it. I realize that was a big killer for my game and really wish I could've figureed it out before the end of the jam, but I was pretty much cooked by then end, so I couldn't push myself to keep trying to figure it out when I had already spent a day on it.
ow... but helpful I guess. Thanks for the feedback, and I will try to take it as constructive and not take it personally. Maybe after Christmas break I will revist it and fix some things. I'm afraid the fact I captured the tone of earlier game jams is the fact that that's all I had to go off of. Now to be fair, I wrote the stoyline in about a week, and spent my time mostly in little details or the underlying programming structure. For example I spent like five days making models in blender which was fun but wasted a bit of time. The quest system being simple is probably a biproduct of me trying to make it easy to follow, as the quests themselves were entirly logical, the story side of it was left somewhat lacking. The breathing was implemented to add suspensful and yet somewhat calming ambience reminding you that you are alone. I actually found during development of the game that the breathing sounds sometimes caused slower breathing, sometimes I would notice that I actually was barely breathing at all. Generally the sound design there was supposed to be slightly odd, and to remind you that something was wrong. As for the sense of danger this is absolutely correct, I am actually kinda mad at myself for this one, I implemented several techniques to subvert the calming behaviour of the mood, but in the end, it still really hard to feel scared besides the storyline, which is leaking clues everywhere that you will probably die soon.
Wuzzy's style shows through every facet of this puzzling game, which makes it all the more fun. Creepy, intense and realaxing all at the same time. The perfect puzzle to keep you up at night...
Thanks, yeah I adjusted the sounds to how I had my volume set at the time, so it can be a bit annoying. The Breathing sounds is an ephemeral sound which makes it sounds generally louder than other sounds, like footsteps.
This game is a fun little puzzle. But be careful, you are gambling your life. Btw turn on damage for a little extra fun...
This game is a lot of fun, featuring customizable loadouts and waves of monsters. The movement and mechanics are crazy, I never thought I'd see something this adanced in Luanti!
Extremely satisfying, the controls are a bit slow. But once you get the hang of it, it's very fun. Love the sound design as well, really adds to the atmosphere.
The null.png behind the buildings in the buildings tab you talked about on stream didn't end up getting romoved.
This game is pretty short, but it's an interesting idea. The bossfight is kinda the only part of the game and is pretty repetitive, althoug once it gets down to low health it gets faster and can finally catch up to you.
This game is interesting to play, although the spaceship doesn't seem to work as expected. You just get yeeted out and fall to your death. Cool textures though for the nodes.
Also got an error when I left the game. Not breaking but thought I'd put it here until it's fixed.
The game is an absolute joy to play from beginning to end. It shows an amaziing idea and I really can't wait to see what it becomes in the future. The NPCs are a good touch aswell. The game almost feels as if it doesn't take itself too seriously, which makes the game so much more fun. Almost every part of the game coheres perfectly.
The game is very short though, and it's definitely not replayable (yet :wink:).
Tends to be pretty slow at the start, but once you get going it can get a bit faster. The inability to move the npcs around is limiting, but the pathfinding works as good as it needs to.
Some missing textures and odd mechanics, but overall a very new and interesting system.
They are very rare, otherwise this may be a problem caused by the Islands mod. I will take a look at it, but may not be able to fix anything for a week as I am out of town.
This modpack is very exciting and sometimes frustrating.
Loot houses, go mining, and run for your life.
Includes lots of weapos from the ranged weapons mod, and some defense nodes as well. You must be very strategic if you want to live long.
@Nathan S. made a video about this modpack:
This game works with singelplayer and multiplayer, it has a large variety of guns, ammo, grenades, armor, and functionality.
Rifles: full auto, semi-auto, sniper, etc.
Pistols, full auto, semi-auto, etc.
Special/other: full auto, semi-auto, sniper, force-gun, special-fire, etc.
Also download the cs_bots mod for singleplayer.
Allows different maps and map editing. Also has api to change certain aspects and add weapons.
It says in it's description that you can play singleplayer with bots, but how do you turn that on? Even on singleplayer it's just me.
Thank you.
I am new to the author side of ContentDB, how does the approval work, and do I need to do anything more?