Top 17.5% reviewer
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Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
mt-modsstandalone chat channel mod
Realistic Delta Hang Glider
CBugDCoderAdd realistic moving delta hang gliders
Best player protection and fun method of travel
It's a lot of fun and has made many new techniques for digging and exploring possible. Also adds some fun challenges when server get's laggy. Kinda like IRL, you never know when you glide into a windblast :)
Combined with fly beacons you can get extra speed boost ;)
Brings a concistancy to mobs
I like the way this allows each server to slightly adjust the way mobs work. E.g. override the wayfinding portion. An api helps that not every added mob needs to learn from the same mistakes and can profit from bugfixes found in other mobs.
Fun to have.
Nice variation to mapping kit. I jokingly call it "sonar" because it 'sees' through walls. I don't use map much, but when I do, I like to have it on this mode, especially when underground. It can show that dungeon I would have missed otherwise.
Nice and clean nodes and stable functionality
Having tried other mods that solve similar challenges, this one is the best I've seen so far.
I particularly like that each uses only one node space.
Great suit for attending ceremonies
Fits in to any wardrobe and nice alternative (visually) to moderator armour :)