I was about to ask "huh where is it..?" And then I saw this dropdown arrow I've never actually seen before... Wow I can't believe I've NEVER seen ANY of this before. I tried making a low pass filter with the FILTER CURVE EQ
Wasn't entirely sure how to apply a low filter, but I've done away with the old chewing sounds and implemented the eating repeatedly mechanic in the latest codeberg commit :D
Not yet released to ContentDB, still going to see about polishing and I might replace the burp sounds with hopefully better ones lol
Hehehe I didn't do any animation - it just moves like that because it makes the character animation for digging to run - was a hella helpful cheat. I do plan at some point to make my mod permit playing a provided animation if exists one
I DOOOO wanna improve the chewing sounds. I was super hopeful when MC released a video on how they did sounds - and eating was one of them. Dude had a bunch of cheetos/cheese puffs in his mouth, so whenever I get stuff like that I plan to see how I can apply it. Did try to make better eating sounds before releasing v1.9, but they sounded even worse...
Are the slurp sounds any good? Not sure if those feel annoying, I feel like they were the best of the sounds I made
The burp is meant to mimic MC's, but it is a bit out of place when the eating sounds aren't as prominent and bold.
Huh, good point. I'll see about implementing that, I've got a bit of an idea right now. E.g. to have it check again after eating_time * 2, to add a delay before repetition like MC
I can give the lag issues another approach, but I was on MT 5.6.1 and it took several seconds for the inventory menu to go to the next page. Can't remember if placing blocks had the same issue, but mobs were affected.
A friend of mine checked and said it was due to ABMs.
Yeah, didn't wanna ding you for the mobs X3 they feel very WIP and it didn't feel fair to rate you on it.
MAKES SENSEEE. It seems like the game can be completed, so it is at least functional :D
I think Repixture is your best bet to put all your focus rn, so pretty fair leaving to this sides for a while.
I can't seem to download this mod, including a weird error that crashes my Minetest's in-game ContentDB. I'm using 5.6.1 and your minimum supported version is 5.0
Runtime error from mod '??' in callback <async>(): ...\minetest-5.6.1-win64\bin\..\builtin\mainmenu\pkgmgr.lua:688: basefolder didn't return a recognised type, this shouldn't happen
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
...\minetest-5.6.1-win64\bin\..\builtin\mainmenu\pkgmgr.lua:688: in function 'install_dir'
...5.6.1-win64\bin\..\builtin\mainmenu\dlg_contentstore.lua:129: in function <...5.6.1-win64\bin\..\builtin\mainmenu\dlg_contentstore.lua:125>
...test-5.6.1-win64\bin\..\builtin\mainmenu\async_event.lua:7: in function <...test-5.6.1-win64\bin\..\builtin\mainmenu\async_event.lua:4>
I will say that I haven't tested game much beyond playing in creative, so I will say my review isn't fully genuine and especially why I give a neutral here. There's more I need to do to truly express this game authentically ;p
I will say that I did enjoy the creative startup - especially with those sounds and text - that was personally interesting and shows me the personal care put into this project. I enjoyed fooling around with the materials and tools provided, it was interesting seeing the different materials and how they interact with one another ;o
Unfortunately, the lag makes the game almost fully unplayable - with lag of up to 5 to 10 seconds long - even unmodded and in singleplayer - it's pretty difficult doing anything to survive and persevere.
The mobs felt dull - especially feeling like reskins - though I heard Wuzzy plans to revamp them as a whole - so I won't talk much in this regard.
I think I'll rewrite a better review after I've genuinely played survival - whenever that may be
Exile tries and succeeds in differentiating itself from Minetest Game and other Mineclonia-like games - even other survival games as it aims for a separate and newfound extreme feel, with an intended underlying lore and reason for the world's shape, form, and environment. An educational aspect is considered in tandem.
There is quite a learning curve - that Mantar and others are in the process of trying to fix (including myself :D) - but one that can be overcome with persisted effort, trial and error, and if it's hard enough - just asking the devs themselves. Though the game is brutal and unforgiving - the aim to develop iron and seek a long range of abandoned settlements cultivates a fervorous intrigue to play and continue forth despite how hard the world tries to take you with it. Developers are active and willing to tackle down bugs with ease ;3
There are some aspects of NodeCore incorporated - with nodes that need to be cooked or combined physically (see lanterns).
Diseases will be unforgiving - so be sure to make the appropriate medicines - or don't partake in which causes it - as a lot of medicines won't work anyways!
Multiplayer is wholeheartedly recommended in my honest opinion - though don't expect war and conflict - one's too busy simply trying to live than rather squabble and fight senselessly. Multiplayer helps intervene against that learning curve, provides you with great examples of what you should do to survive, sometimes provides safe havens, and usually puts you in live contact with the devs who can give you a helping hand or word whenever available.
Oooh! Can you link me that mod? :o I'll see if I can fix it
It should still do its intended function as I have my mod check for it iirc, but maybe I messed something up there. I noticed I broke something with pointing at entities as well
Although my review isn't fully honest as I rather played with a modification for it in Centeria (that uses Mesecraft) - and randomly in creative (sometimes with damage enabled) - there are lots of issues that I'm surprised ElCeejo did not notice with this mod.
Admittedly, this mod is superior to most mob mods I've seen - using its own unique system to the more commonly used Mobs Redo - especially with its dynamicism and the most interesting aspect of it to me honestly - turning their heads to look at stuff. However for what cool features it has, it lacks some basics I'd expect such as not despawning tamed animals, full_punch_interval utilization, and lava/drowning harm. I would say sounds (for quite a few animals) but I know getting sounds is extremely difficult and it wouldn't be fair to judge that.
There are issues with taming as well - wolves will NOT defend you or your livestock as the description says. And when you successfully tame a fox - they just keep on running away from you lol
Flying animals will commonly get themselves stuck in water as well - the amount of times I've seen bats and owls in water is weirdly frequent.
Due to step height, fish will indeed get themselves stuck on land and just flop to death.
With the above missing basics and issues, and lacking mod compatibility, it feels more like the Minetest game of mob mods - bland mix that requires more modding (code and content) to make it feel more alive and interactable with the environment. Though I know modding mobs is quite difficult so you oughtta cut ElCeejo some slack for that whole range of difficulty! That's why I was very impressed with the head turning.
I'm also personally not a fan of the fox texture - it looks weird and creepy-ish to me. Though I imagine fitting pixels within the said resolution is difficult so fair enough in that regard - I would be down to try to see if I can make one.
I think 12480 or something near that is the maximum number. I heard of it from someone who had that mod that turns everything into stairs and slabs, cause it. It's something to do with how those 8bit integers or whatever works, y'know 32, 64, and so on, forgot the name ack.
Relicensed the code under a freer license and added translations inspired by your translation setup :D not sure of what you've translated but I offer some ;p
Think I'll try for every language provided in Minetest, idk how good I'll be at translating Asian languages tho
Although I haven't tested the mod fully and thus cannot make a true true review.
I've been seeing about how to implement compatibiltiy for this mod with my eating mod after seeing it be featured as an optional dependency for Annalysa's Sandwiches. There are no useful groups I can use to determine whether or not something is edible, and accidentally made it so you could drink the spatula while developing...
On the spatula, even without my mod's mingling, it crashes the game if you point at the air with it as it expects a vector for something... If you're a server owner, do not use this mod without heavy modifications - it hasn't been updated for over 5 years anyways lol
Funnily enough, there is no animation X3 it just connects to the player head. So if the animation has the player move their head, it moves with. Very lazy approach from me but it works out ;p
If a future modder were to add an option to - they could disable eating on a full stomach ;p
Ah, as long as you're not looking at anything you should be able to eat the mushrooms :3 :D
I think I'll just make an "all-compatible" code that automatically ensures that anything with a specified food group properly registers. This'll end the whole "unless I programmed it" and will hopefully decrease file size even more. Hopefully will decrease load time as well.
Only potential issue I see is if it accidentally registers something that isn't a food, as a food lol. Other than that, shouldn't be gamebreaking to do something like it. Idk if I'll provide support for Mineclone 2 (VoxeLibre) or Mineclonia though.
I think it'd be a good idea to do minetest.is_player(player) instead of obj:is_player() as well, in case obj is not a userdata or doesn't have the :is_player() function or is nil. I've learned not to trust functions like that X3
I did not anticipate all the custom and fluid animation and attacks that this mod provides for the entity :o
I too initially thought it was SCP-682 - they seem quite alike especially in power X3 but it seems it isn't - judging by name and the stuff the mob does.
Think I should mention more of what I like about it but I do note an issue:
Attacks can continue to multiply in severity (unless world is restarted) to the point that you may as well be a part of the Minetest space agency with how high and fast they can push you lol - not sure if this is an intended feature or if there is some form of maximum cap to power
(I also heard that there's a bug of where it simply never spawns - you can only have 1 existing per world and it'll prevent spawn until a timer finishes after it starts when it dies - but the timer supposedly never finishes?)
Also I wish this could interact with other mobs instead of just the player, but pretty happy with how well this is constructed and the work put into it :o
Hmm... the "Ring Around the Rosie" and also the sound that's produced when you punch them are still global - but you've fixed the particles which is a good plus :D
Ayyy :D danke for da review :3 I'll have to see why y'all drink steak burgers from the bbq mod tho ahahaha x3
Oooo aight thanks! :o
I was about to ask "huh where is it..?" And then I saw this dropdown arrow I've never actually seen before... Wow I can't believe I've NEVER seen ANY of this before. I tried making a low pass filter with the FILTER CURVE EQ
Welp today I've learned something new! :D
Wasn't entirely sure how to apply a low filter, but I've done away with the old chewing sounds and implemented the eating repeatedly mechanic in the latest codeberg commit :D Not yet released to ContentDB, still going to see about polishing and I might replace the burp sounds with hopefully better ones lol
Any way to rename this thread to mention that it's a shader issue?
ah dangittt, and I heard the shaders issue is something to do with a bad video card...
welp, thanks for explaing tho
When I play and then use this mod, it doesn't work. No desaturation effect occurs
Is it because I have shaders disabled? I have to disable them because the game just crashes if they are enabled
ahahaha boeing simulator?? X3
As a furry, I agree LMAOOOO
Modeling could be better tho as it clips in weird places X3 was meaning to write a review at some point
Oooh low pass filter? I'll give that a look thanks
Yeah agreed, they're a bit on the louder side x3
Ayyy thanks for the review :D
Hehehe I didn't do any animation - it just moves like that because it makes the character animation for digging to run - was a hella helpful cheat. I do plan at some point to make my mod permit playing a provided animation if exists one
I DOOOO wanna improve the chewing sounds. I was super hopeful when MC released a video on how they did sounds - and eating was one of them. Dude had a bunch of cheetos/cheese puffs in his mouth, so whenever I get stuff like that I plan to see how I can apply it. Did try to make better eating sounds before releasing v1.9, but they sounded even worse...
Are the slurp sounds any good? Not sure if those feel annoying, I feel like they were the best of the sounds I made
The burp is meant to mimic MC's, but it is a bit out of place when the eating sounds aren't as prominent and bold.
Huh, good point. I'll see about implementing that, I've got a bit of an idea right now. E.g. to have it check again after eating_time * 2, to add a delay before repetition like MC
I can give the lag issues another approach, but I was on MT 5.6.1 and it took several seconds for the inventory menu to go to the next page. Can't remember if placing blocks had the same issue, but mobs were affected. A friend of mine checked and said it was due to ABMs.
Yeah, didn't wanna ding you for the mobs X3 they feel very WIP and it didn't feel fair to rate you on it.
MAKES SENSEEE. It seems like the game can be completed, so it is at least functional :D I think Repixture is your best bet to put all your focus rn, so pretty fair leaving to this sides for a while.
Yeah I was just trying to find whatever gave me the food items X3 I wanted to test if they were compatible with my eating mod
Could be an issue with how ContentDB handled your mod, otherwise I could just download it from the source page which I'll prob do
I don't have Gitea so I'ma use threads lol
I can't seem to download this mod, including a weird error that crashes my Minetest's in-game ContentDB. I'm using 5.6.1 and your minimum supported version is 5.0
I get this in-game ContentDB crash error when I try to download the non-MTG variant (https://content.minetest.net/packages/AliasAlreadyTaken/yl_canned_food/)
And get this
Trying to download this one (MTG variant)
Oh yeah I noticed a crash too, forgot what I did. My game just froze so I imagine something wrong with a loop?
I will say that I haven't tested game much beyond playing in creative, so I will say my review isn't fully genuine and especially why I give a neutral here. There's more I need to do to truly express this game authentically ;p
I will say that I did enjoy the creative startup - especially with those sounds and text - that was personally interesting and shows me the personal care put into this project. I enjoyed fooling around with the materials and tools provided, it was interesting seeing the different materials and how they interact with one another ;o
Unfortunately, the lag makes the game almost fully unplayable - with lag of up to 5 to 10 seconds long - even unmodded and in singleplayer - it's pretty difficult doing anything to survive and persevere.
The mobs felt dull - especially feeling like reskins - though I heard Wuzzy plans to revamp them as a whole - so I won't talk much in this regard.
I think I'll rewrite a better review after I've genuinely played survival - whenever that may be
Exile tries and succeeds in differentiating itself from Minetest Game and other Mineclonia-like games - even other survival games as it aims for a separate and newfound extreme feel, with an intended underlying lore and reason for the world's shape, form, and environment. An educational aspect is considered in tandem.
There is quite a learning curve - that Mantar and others are in the process of trying to fix (including myself :D) - but one that can be overcome with persisted effort, trial and error, and if it's hard enough - just asking the devs themselves. Though the game is brutal and unforgiving - the aim to develop iron and seek a long range of abandoned settlements cultivates a fervorous intrigue to play and continue forth despite how hard the world tries to take you with it. Developers are active and willing to tackle down bugs with ease ;3
There are some aspects of NodeCore incorporated - with nodes that need to be cooked or combined physically (see lanterns).
Diseases will be unforgiving - so be sure to make the appropriate medicines - or don't partake in which causes it - as a lot of medicines won't work anyways!
Multiplayer is wholeheartedly recommended in my honest opinion - though don't expect war and conflict - one's too busy simply trying to live than rather squabble and fight senselessly. Multiplayer helps intervene against that learning curve, provides you with great examples of what you should do to survive, sometimes provides safe havens, and usually puts you in live contact with the devs who can give you a helping hand or word whenever available.
Fixed it uwu
I see the issue, fixing ;p
I see, these? https://content.minetest.net/packages/mt-mods/wooden_bucket/ https://content.minetest.net/packages/Hume2/bucket_wooden/
Oooh! Can you link me that mod? :o I'll see if I can fix it
It should still do its intended function as I have my mod check for it iirc, but maybe I messed something up there. I noticed I broke something with pointing at entities as well
Although my review isn't fully honest as I rather played with a modification for it in Centeria (that uses Mesecraft) - and randomly in creative (sometimes with damage enabled) - there are lots of issues that I'm surprised ElCeejo did not notice with this mod.
Admittedly, this mod is superior to most mob mods I've seen - using its own unique system to the more commonly used Mobs Redo - especially with its dynamicism and the most interesting aspect of it to me honestly - turning their heads to look at stuff. However for what cool features it has, it lacks some basics I'd expect such as not despawning tamed animals, full_punch_interval utilization, and lava/drowning harm. I would say sounds (for quite a few animals) but I know getting sounds is extremely difficult and it wouldn't be fair to judge that. There are issues with taming as well - wolves will NOT defend you or your livestock as the description says. And when you successfully tame a fox - they just keep on running away from you lol Flying animals will commonly get themselves stuck in water as well - the amount of times I've seen bats and owls in water is weirdly frequent. Due to step height, fish will indeed get themselves stuck on land and just flop to death.
With the above missing basics and issues, and lacking mod compatibility, it feels more like the Minetest game of mob mods - bland mix that requires more modding (code and content) to make it feel more alive and interactable with the environment. Though I know modding mobs is quite difficult so you oughtta cut ElCeejo some slack for that whole range of difficulty! That's why I was very impressed with the head turning.
I'm also personally not a fan of the fox texture - it looks weird and creepy-ish to me. Though I imagine fitting pixels within the said resolution is difficult so fair enough in that regard - I would be down to try to see if I can make one.
Necro-bump for a partial answer (sorry)
I think 12480 or something near that is the maximum number. I heard of it from someone who had that mod that turns everything into stairs and slabs, cause it. It's something to do with how those 8bit integers or whatever works, y'know 32, 64, and so on, forgot the name ack.
It should support a lot more mods now ;3 made it automatically set up support if a certain mod has this or that :D
Relicensed the code under a freer license and added translations inspired by your translation setup :D not sure of what you've translated but I offer some ;p
Think I'll try for every language provided in Minetest, idk how good I'll be at translating Asian languages tho
To note, I did successfully get compatibility for v1.8 of my eating mod, but it was painful lmao
Although I haven't tested the mod fully and thus cannot make a true true review.
I've been seeing about how to implement compatibiltiy for this mod with my eating mod after seeing it be featured as an optional dependency for Annalysa's Sandwiches. There are no useful groups I can use to determine whether or not something is edible, and accidentally made it so you could drink the spatula while developing...
On the spatula, even without my mod's mingling, it crashes the game if you point at the air with it as it expects a vector for something... If you're a server owner, do not use this mod without heavy modifications - it hasn't been updated for over 5 years anyways lol
Funnily enough, there is no animation X3 it just connects to the player head. So if the animation has the player move their head, it moves with. Very lazy approach from me but it works out ;p
If a future modder were to add an option to - they could disable eating on a full stomach ;p
Ah, as long as you're not looking at anything you should be able to eat the mushrooms :3 :D
I think I'll just make an "all-compatible" code that automatically ensures that anything with a specified food group properly registers. This'll end the whole "unless I programmed it" and will hopefully decrease file size even more. Hopefully will decrease load time as well.
Only potential issue I see is if it accidentally registers something that isn't a food, as a food lol. Other than that, shouldn't be gamebreaking to do something like it. Idk if I'll provide support for Mineclone 2 (VoxeLibre) or Mineclonia though.
Thanks for your review :D
Ayy :D I'm surprised folk don't use it more - maybe it's laggier to? idk
oooo aight :oooo sounds really exciting
Oooo bet :ooo
I'll be sure to rewrite my review then too X3
I think it'd be a good idea to do minetest.is_player(player) instead of obj:is_player() as well, in case obj is not a userdata or doesn't have the :is_player() function or is nil. I've learned not to trust functions like that X3
Sorry for taking so long to check and reply, but, you did it :D you fixed it all :DDD
I just wasn't sure if my coding was out of whack or something X3
I imagine ;p
Ayyyy :D great to hear
I think I might do a variation of this with binoculars loool
is the code easy enough to understand? I didn't bother putting as much notes or making documentation
LissoBone lmfaooooo
I did not anticipate all the custom and fluid animation and attacks that this mod provides for the entity :o I too initially thought it was SCP-682 - they seem quite alike especially in power X3 but it seems it isn't - judging by name and the stuff the mob does.
Think I should mention more of what I like about it but I do note an issue: Attacks can continue to multiply in severity (unless world is restarted) to the point that you may as well be a part of the Minetest space agency with how high and fast they can push you lol - not sure if this is an intended feature or if there is some form of maximum cap to power (I also heard that there's a bug of where it simply never spawns - you can only have 1 existing per world and it'll prevent spawn until a timer finishes after it starts when it dies - but the timer supposedly never finishes?)
Also I wish this could interact with other mobs instead of just the player, but pretty happy with how well this is constructed and the work put into it :o
Ahahaha I had went to bed myself X3 it wad 4 AM
Hmm... the "Ring Around the Rosie" and also the sound that's produced when you punch them are still global - but you've fixed the particles which is a good plus :D
Alright, you've fixed the music box walk sound :D but there's still an issue with the "Ring Around the Rosie" unless that's intentional? ;o