In the current version the interface has been fixed and more features added. This is probably about how it will stay for some time, due to conflicting feature requests.
Most of what you mentened are things we plan on changing by the beta version, except maybe the invenotry slots, thats still undecided wether we want to keep it or use a storage system.
Sticks are found on the ground in a warm forest near trees.
I wrote this over the weekend and have been sick, there are some things I want to add, just haven't been able to think clearly enough to.
Notes: The spawning is automaticly done on a timer. There is more than one spawn area. I do plan on a timed message for the airdrop until it is aquired too.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the visual. The mechanics are something I really want to work on, the chests were having problems, since I was using it to generate items if it spawned natrualy, but I thought I had fixed it before push. I hope to work on this game a lot more over time.
I am not taking MTG's/MC's approach to most things, only crafting (for now, this was a placeholder as it is WIP) and inventory. Also the textures are the aesthetic that we are going for in game, though I do want to work on it some.
I'm pretty sure sticks do spawn in snow, but rarer. Also you can use /killme insted of making a new world. But yeah, its a WIP at the moment. I hope to improve it a lot over the next few weeks post-jam.
I put the text page there because it was lacking a logical progression, though I do plan on removing it once I get more added post-jam. Its really just there as a helpful guid if you get lost.
The mapgen is buggy since it uses flat, with caves it can spawn with an open cell thus no escape needed. Also you can just throw the items through and pick them up on the other side of the tool remover wall. There is also no end menu.
The game is amazing, it is a bit intense on CPU at mapgen time but it is amazing game to play. The interface is the best of all of the jam games and the gameplay is simply beautiful. This is the type of thing that people should be making for these jams.
This is really good for servers, it is really fast and does not have as many lag spikes as VoxeLibre. Though there are some weird things in the code and places commented out that shouldn't be. It is a great base for a Minecraft clone server.
Love this mod. Adds a much needed concept to the game. I haven't tried it in mineclone, but I think that is a great place for it too. Overall this is a must for MTG multi-player servers.
This mod adds an amazing Airship. That alone is impressive but you can move around INSIDE IT! It is kinda like steampunk_blimp with the movment, but thats just how Minetest works. Overall its an amazing mod for sigleplayer and I think would make a great mod for building servers.
This mod adds so much content, I consider it a MUST on almost all MTG servers. There are just so many things I love about this mod, from biomes to new items and armors with 3d_armor mod.
This is one of my favorite mods on sigleplayer or server! It adds so much great content. It adds great ways to travle and makes PvP more complex. I would recomend to anyone who wants to play MTG on a regular basis!
There are some bugs with the dragons but overall its great.
In the current version the interface has been fixed and more features added. This is probably about how it will stay for some time, due to conflicting feature requests.
Most of what you mentened are things we plan on changing by the beta version, except maybe the invenotry slots, thats still undecided wether we want to keep it or use a storage system.
Sticks are found on the ground in a warm forest near trees.
The crafting mechanic has been changed in more recent versions
Nice feature, should remove the default requirement though.
Needs maintainer.
I wrote this over the weekend and have been sick, there are some things I want to add, just haven't been able to think clearly enough to.
Notes: The spawning is automaticly done on a timer. There is more than one spawn area. I do plan on a timed message for the airdrop until it is aquired too.
I like it.
Not to bad, a bit to green.
Partial redesign comming soon in new update.
The idea of Photo Realism in 64px is just wrong.
6/10 unless you use the "Upscaled Global Textures" mod, then I'd give it a 7/10.
This texture pack doesn't feel right, it feels like a lot of the textures are just slightly changed forms of a single base.
Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the visual. The mechanics are something I really want to work on, the chests were having problems, since I was using it to generate items if it spawned natrualy, but I thought I had fixed it before push. I hope to work on this game a lot more over time.
Oh, also, you really do need all the settings on or it just doesn't feel/look right.
I am planning on adding a crafting guid or more compleate in-game guid, I was a bit in a rush to fix things and kinda forgot about it til last minute.
I am not taking MTG's/MC's approach to most things, only crafting (for now, this was a placeholder as it is WIP) and inventory. Also the textures are the aesthetic that we are going for in game, though I do want to work on it some.
I'm pretty sure sticks do spawn in snow, but rarer. Also you can use /killme insted of making a new world. But yeah, its a WIP at the moment. I hope to improve it a lot over the next few weeks post-jam.
Its really empty so eh.
This game is highly incompleate, like even for a base game, there is no flowing water.
I put the text page there because it was lacking a logical progression, though I do plan on removing it once I get more added post-jam. Its really just there as a helpful guid if you get lost.
This game is really hard, Its not exactly my style but it is a good puzzle game.
Ok cool. I haven't played 0AD but it does seem kinda like that.
The mapgen is buggy since it uses flat, with caves it can spawn with an open cell thus no escape needed. Also you can just throw the items through and pick them up on the other side of the tool remover wall. There is also no end menu.
This game is very nice. It seems to be based off of Widelands but maybe thats just me.
The game is amazing, it is a bit intense on CPU at mapgen time but it is amazing game to play. The interface is the best of all of the jam games and the gameplay is simply beautiful. This is the type of thing that people should be making for these jams.
Not sure what is wrong with the tabs. I haven't looked at the formspec deffinition
The inventory formspec does not work after looking at a star system. The textures are kinda painful to look at... The concept is intriguing though.
I belive it was in the potions code last I checked though it was a little while ago, might have changed, though there were a few places iirc
This is really good for servers, it is really fast and does not have as many lag spikes as VoxeLibre. Though there are some weird things in the code and places commented out that shouldn't be. It is a great base for a Minecraft clone server.
In the mod desc? why? they are all in credits
Thophs is alrea in the credits to the License file, so are you.
Love this mod. Adds a much needed concept to the game. I haven't tried it in mineclone, but I think that is a great place for it too. Overall this is a must for MTG multi-player servers.
This mod adds an amazing Airship. That alone is impressive but you can move around INSIDE IT! It is kinda like steampunk_blimp with the movment, but thats just how Minetest works. Overall its an amazing mod for sigleplayer and I think would make a great mod for building servers.
I am surprised how few servers have this mod, it is a great way to travel and I love it.
Note: due to engine function it is glitchy to move on ships but works fine. This is one of the best features though.
This is a MUST HAVE for server admins. For moving builds, making builds, and saving builds.
This is a much needed mod to EVERY MTG server, and singleplayer world. MTG is just bland without it.
This mod adds so much content, I consider it a MUST on almost all MTG servers. There are just so many things I love about this mod, from biomes to new items and armors with 3d_armor mod.
Great mod, Recommend!
This is one of my favorite mods on sigleplayer or server! It adds so much great content. It adds great ways to travle and makes PvP more complex. I would recomend to anyone who wants to play MTG on a regular basis! There are some bugs with the dragons but overall its great.
They aren't designed to spawn natrualy in the normal world, only in other times with mutli-demensions
This is my favorite UI mod. It is clean and easy to use.