I can make the texture more transparent, but making a randomized texture is unfortunetly not possible, as all particle textures are premade files that cannot be changed in-game.
Just tested, why it makes a bunch of surface sounds for you but not for me is MOST LIKELY the way we travel. I just travel like half under water, smoothly. I, assume, you travel by jumping up and down on the surface. I will try and get this fixed.
Hmm, good question. I really just think more balls. Maybe baseball? Volleyball? IDK how hard it would be to make those, but that'd be cool. Bad Mitten maybe? Just more sports, I guess. Keep up the good work!
Alright, got that all updated for ya! The code should work for multiplayer, I wouldn't know because i dont play multi, but hopefully it works. If it is satisfactory, please reconsider your review :)
Thanks for your review. I will definatly work on the multiple people bug, and i have tried with the item in the water, but have not found it out so far. I will work on these bugs, thanks.
converted review into a thread
converted review into a thread
Exactly what I have been looking for. I have wished the hills were more appealing to the eye for a while now, and this mod does it perfectly.
I can make the texture more transparent, but making a randomized texture is unfortunetly not possible, as all particle textures are premade files that cannot be changed in-game.
The 3D models are high-quality and they function well in game. Truly a one-of-a-kind mod!
Adds many features that makes the gameplay unique. Very few other survival games have things like this and I am loving it.
This does the job better and it has cooler stuff than the Minecraft orignal that this is based on!
this really helped me make my city.
Well, unfortuently, all I could do was turn the volume down. So, try traveling in the water with less jumping :)
Just tested, why it makes a bunch of surface sounds for you but not for me is MOST LIKELY the way we travel. I just travel like half under water, smoothly. I, assume, you travel by jumping up and down on the surface. I will try and get this fixed.
huh, it shouldn't do that. For me, it rarely makes a sound while crossing the water. I will improve the code and the splash momentarily.
Spruces up any home!
haha, awesome dude. Thanks, and keep up the good work!
Hmm, good question. I really just think more balls. Maybe baseball? Volleyball? IDK how hard it would be to make those, but that'd be cool. Bad Mitten maybe? Just more sports, I guess. Keep up the good work!
converted review into a thread
Very fun. Very sus.
well, I like the feature. It's not for all, i guess
well, he said it is a proof of concept
just play normal.
Great soundtrack
looks fun.
my friends fear me.
Needed in every world.
Alright! Update is out! Hopefully if fixes your issues.
Okay, hold on for a bit. Im trying to find out how to update packages, but the latest release is out on my GitHub!
Alright, got that all updated for ya! The code should work for multiplayer, I wouldn't know because i dont play multi, but hopefully it works. If it is satisfactory, please reconsider your review :)
Thanks for your review. I will definatly work on the multiple people bug, and i have tried with the item in the water, but have not found it out so far. I will work on these bugs, thanks.
Just why? WHY?
@TenPlus1 Thanks alot for the tip. I'll be sure to check it out!
Really fun. Love the thing about "soy boys" in the mechanic's handbook!
Isn't the most user-friendly interface, and it's a little buggy, but all in all it's pretty good.
Works well. Could use some more dialouge, though.