This was fun in the few chambers that were there, and I would recommend for concept alone. And cute textures.
You have an amazing gimmick - the part that makes a puzzle game stand out - but you don't do anything with it. There's no awnser to the question: How does this affect me/gameplay? Do some portals have unbreakable/pick only blocks in them? Do I need to get from point A to B in a set time limit? Do I need to make a straight line for a laser? Those are just some ideas I had.
I also think the rooms need more variety. As they are now, they're pretty cramped and having four more giant portals adds to that. If you go deeper down the puzzle route, you might make portals more of a resource - especially if you place unbreakable blocks in them. I'd like to see this if it gets expanded.
This was fun in the few chambers that were there, and I would recommend for concept alone. And cute textures.
You have an amazing gimmick - the part that makes a puzzle game stand out - but you don't do anything with it. There's no awnser to the question: How does this affect me/gameplay? Do some portals have unbreakable/pick only blocks in them? Do I need to get from point A to B in a set time limit? Do I need to make a straight line for a laser? Those are just some ideas I had.
I also think the rooms need more variety. As they are now, they're pretty cramped and having four more giant portals adds to that. If you go deeper down the puzzle route, you might make portals more of a resource - especially if you place unbreakable blocks in them. I'd like to see this if it gets expanded.