Top 6.2% reviewer
Only 54 users have written more helpful reviews.
Arena Lib
Unofficial and not complete list of arena_lib and it's minigame
ZughyLibrary to create any mini-game you have in mind
giov4There's a murderer between us...
Block League
ZughyS4 League inspired shooter minigame
giov4Skywars is a PvP minigame where players battle each other on floating islands until there is only one survivor remaining.
Alien Material
Adds new blocks, items, and tools from aliens. A new time begins.
Proxima Survival
Survival on Proxima Centauri B. Not working on it now.
It's adding texture, not the best.
Players compete to be the last one standing on a layer of falling TNT
A player is holding TNT which is about to explode; they must tag other players to get rid of it
XP Highscores
Add a better highscore system for xp_redo.
My Review
I use my rating on the 6% system what I used last year, even if this time the rating system works differently. My points:
I hope you going to make Glitch 2. In the IP the game ended there were also the white noises. Maybe you have to escape them there.
Without it not possible
I checked now how good this mod is and how it helps. Without it, it is really hard to bild fast buildings
Nice Idea
I think it's a nice idea to add cave-game It's a nice joke. Maybe add a cavegame-serverd :D
Great Mod!
I like this mod. Now everybody can make a minigame. At my old server(which i never published) i wanted make a mesewars minigame, but without this libary that would be maybe impossile. Thankyou Zughy! Edit: Maybe you could add minigames type: tempoary: minigames which use round system like block league alwaysrunning: minigames which you can join every time you like and quit like skyblock.
Oh and please add that you can quit arenas which are singleplayer, thankyou.
Nice game but more is possible
It's the first gamejam-game which i test which not lag, or a Arcade game is. It's a nice evolution game but there are only colored blocks but there is more cretive possible. Also you should spawn on a sector and not in water.
My 6%-rating(if i would have 6% of rating): * 0.75/1 for the idea --the idea is cool but not unique * 1/2 for the media --That are only color textures. And the dealer was a bit modified Sam-Texture. But the sectors was modulated in hexagons. * 2.5/3 for the play --It was nice time for play it but i spawned in water and must find the platform first. But the tuttorial was also good. * 4.25/6 in total
I recommend the game for the gamejam
Simple short Pakour-Game
It is a simple pakour game with simple textures but it's funny. Please add a reset item that you spawn again on beginning. And are really all textures by you?
If i would give 6% of the gamerating: 0.5/1 for the idea -- The idea can everybody have but don't have. 1.5/2 for the textures -- the texture are really simple and inspired by void 2.5/3 for the play --resetitem or similar i missed but eles was all cool. /restart take time to type in chat 4.5/6 in total. I recommend the game
Nice but short game
I like this game really. But today i have more game jam games to test too. The control like in inventory writen work other but i learned it after a while. It's hard and one tiime i died because a flying tree.
If i would have 6% of Rating: * 0.5/1 for the Idea --This Idea can get everybody but have not. * 1.5/2 for the textures --I think the coins, baloon and items was textured by you but at the rest idk * 2/3 for the play.--It's Funny to play. I haven't get a bad spawn but if you get it's maybe not funny. You can the generate-high of mountains customize. Also you should describe in inventory what you can do with the items. * 4/6 in total -- Funny short game, which i can recommend when you are bored. This game was rated good for the Game Jam
Improvements needed and my rating for this game
The rating is not final! The idea i found the best of all submissions and the similarst to a game jam game concept from me but I would give a bad rating because: * As i spawned first i fell trough the nodes and i wasn't at space station. If i used /teleport 0 0 0 * As i spawned secound i lost without reasson hearts * As i spawned third i was attacked by mobs
But then i created a secound world and: * I had only 13 fps :( * Only the power generator failed not if it was on * I had under 50 oxygen, hunger and temperature and i begin to dying
The textures had high resolution but was the really from you? Normal i play minetest without sound so that i can't sayif the sounds are good.
Summary: I would glady give it a good rating but it must first improved. If i would have 6% of the rating i would give the poits like this: * Idea 1/1 --The best i dea in Jam * Media 1.5/2 --high resolution and for the models much effort but some things did not fit together * Play 0.5/3 --catastrophic but a half point that you have it implemented * Total 3/6 so it is hard to say if i would it recommend. But the play and idea are the most important and there you had not egnough points for a good rating. But for game Jame this rating is neutral
Edit: This is the game that has had the most effort put into it (of all the ones I've seen so far), so it should really get a good rating. I will test the game again next week and re-evaluate it. By then I should have a better computer so the rating is not final!
Best and only one tubelibary for minetest
Mods which not use this and have to do with tubes have many problems. Thats the reason why i can only say: use it.
Best mineclone of all time…
because: * Fast Updates * The similarity to minecraft * … and many more
It's nicer then minecraft as modder
You have in mtg more freedom than in minecraft in fall mods. Thank you for no Overmodify!
Best technic modpack which is for minetest downloadable
It is really the best technic modpack which is downloadable for minetest. Other i can't say.
Wow, only wow. From the idea to implementation. Only wow.
This mod is fantastic
I like this mod really. Thank you very much.
Good game to test mods with biomegenerators
This is a good gaame to test biomes
This mod is super
I like this mod, it's really cool! Thank you for it
For Server needed
This mod is for server needed, i like it, ANd now i can download it thank you i like this mod!
One of the best mods
This mod is one of the best of minetest. I like minegeld. Thanks for developing this :)
Cooles Texturnpack
This pack is realy nice! Its one of the best packs which i know!
Best alternative to minecraft
Wow, which cool game. The best minecraft alternative! Now with the 0.69.0 update come xp which make this game better then it is! Really really cool!