Build Easy Box
A handy tool allowing the creation of large structures with minimal effort (in survival!).
Inventory Cycle
With sneak+use, cycle rows in your inventory!
Key Combos
A lib for adding actions when certain keys are pressed in order.
Persistent Effects
An API for creating persistent effects for any object. eg. damage a player or entity over time. (like poison)
Punch And Place Particles
Makes satisfying particles when placing a node or punching one. (viewable by all players)
Slope Lib
A lib that calculates the average 3d slope of surrounding nodes from a position and raduis.
What Were You Expecting?
An interactive rpg game with a fun ending.
By far my favorite
From the art consistancy to the fun, hard to break gameplay. This game is very tied together and easy to understand. It's perhaps harder to see the aspect of "unexpected" to it, though in my opinion that really takes a backseat to the quality of the gameplay.
Well done sir.
Amazing utility for custom generation
This is a fantastic tool and idea. Takes so much work out of setting up a custom lua land gen. Very helpful.
Very original gameplay
I really enjoy this game for it's complex heat and survival simulations, and the quality gameplay it provides.
Very handy
This mod is really nice to add 3d wielding in quickly.
This should be the Minetest base-game.
This game feels very good and polished, I have never experianced a crash or any noticable lag. I have noticed a fair amount of complaints on 'minetest-game' in its place as the base installed game in the client. I feel this would be a favorable succeder; It is quite original and interesting, it is stable (Like minetest-game), it is very preformant, and it does what is expected. Mineclone2 is the top Minetest game, however I think it is far too unstable to be the default game.
This original peice strikes me as a suitible and acceptable replacement for a new base-game.
It's quite beautiful
Thank you AwesomeDragon97.
Absolutely Amazing!
Is very intuitive and handy for making 3d renders of your real world in Minetest, or just exploring it in a more free form.