Only 44 users have written more helpful reviews.
mods paving the way toward The Simulation Dream
A mod that adds thunder and lightning effects.
Flowing dynamic liquids and ocean-maintenance springs.
A mod that adds realistic erosion and degradation of rocks.
Makes most nodes able to fall without enough support.
very useful
This mod has been very useful for the preparation of participative urban planning workshops, as well as heritage site reconstitution workshops in Minetest/Luanti.
You can create new color palettes just by adding a png file in the mod. The html program to generate the image code is very easy to use.
tips: if you use transparency in your picture, it will not generate nodes. That way you can import only the outline of a building.
The mapblocks need to be loaded for the image to be generated in them.
No more guessing.
I can finally uninstall every screwdriver mod.
misleading name and description (for now)
this mod simply adds the 2 (3?) nodes pictured in the screenshot. Nothing wrong with that, but the nodes have zero properties, and are not "advanced" in any way.
It works!
As far as I can tell, everything about the player that can be resized is resized as expected, and it doesn't seem to cause any of the issues I have seen in similar mods.
Some things that are not resized: - the hand/tool reach/range distance (not sure if possible to change at runtime) - the camera distance in third view (hardcoded engine limitation) - initial drop in liquids is always half a node (engine bug https://github.com/minetest/minetest/issues/12684)
Some things start behaving weirdly at extreme sizes (as expected) - when very big (more than 10x or 20x) the step height doesn't seem to work properly, and the player easily gets stuck - when very tiny, the camera clips through the ground and walls
a breath of fresh air
The way the flag moves in the wind is extremely pleasant and natural looking!
The main downside in my opinion is the way you click on the flag to switch between different textures, and the fact that the name of each flag isn't associated to it since it is a single item. (the mod flag_chooser should remedy to this problem!)
I also wish the flags would rotate based on the wind direction of mods like Air Currents or the Regional Weather Bundle, instead of being able to orient multiple flags in conflicting directions. This would add even more interest to the mod, as well as a technical use to know the wind direction.
Other downsides:
you cannot rotate the flag to use it vertically
you cannot place a node (like another flag) at the top of the pole
makes building/mining more interesting
This mod makes building and mining much more challenging, dangerous, and interesting.
You will now have to engineer your buildings, build scaffolding, and take gravity into account anytime you place or break a node!
The downside is that it makes everything fall in the same way, which means stone overhang will crumble despite being solid stone.
only a small part of the original pack
Snowsong is an amazing SoundPack created by Alecia M. Shepherd (Sn0wShepherd) for Minecraft. The original pack contains almost a thousand different sounds. And there were multiple addon packs available containing music tracks.
Sadly this mod is not the entire Sound Pack. It only contains 84 sounds, which cover :
I am not giving it a negative review, because I still really appreciate the effort of bringing this soundpack to Minetest!
Natural and vibrant
A great pack with a smooth feel, and colors that looks natural and vibrant.
It covers the entire default modpack and MTG, plus a few other small mods.
useless and outdated
This pack only provides the base textures already present in the mods, and hasn't been updated in a while.
I don't really understand how it could be of any use.
If you want to create an entire texturepack, you might want to do it one mod at a time, based on the mods you want to support.
Don't expect a casual voxel freebuild game
Despite trying my best, I struggled to understand how to do the most basic things in this game, which was extremely frustrating. And when I finally understood, I realised it just wasn't my type of game.
Considering this is pretty much how the game is advertised, and how complete and well thought out it seems to be, I cannot blame anyone but myself though.
I cannot recommand NodeCore since I did not engage with it enough. But I don't think it deserves a negative review either since what has prevented me to do so are design choices that seem to be coherent.
So don't expect a casual voxel freebuild game!
it allows each player to independently set their prefered hotbar size with a simple command
Create new 3d node models within Minetest!
This mod has so much potential.
It works great as it is, but it also has a few restrictions, starting with the 16 color palette.
In it's current state it is a great addition to a creative game to make new decorative nodes., sculptures, furniture, etc. But because of the color limitation, it will not be possible to produce nodes that fit a specific material.
One trick though is to duplicate the mod and change the color palette! (and also edit which nodes are used by the mod for which colors)
upside: it legs
downside: it doesn't boat
Perfect for wayfinding/signage/navigation design!
You take a spraycan and start painting on almost any surface. It doesn't produce anything weird or out of place, and doesn't take the space of a node.
downsides/limitations : (edit 13/07/24)
16 colorscan only erase one pixel at a time, which is very longgriefing risk?paint stays in the air when the supporting node gets destroyeduses entities (can cause lag, might disappear if entity per mapblock reached?)
idea : using it for cave paintings! edit: done! https://github.com/Lemente/cave_painting
mod comparison: chatlog vs chat_record
Benefit of chatlog over chat_record:
as a note, none of the mods log commands entered in the chat