Top 10.0% reviewer
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Good Morning Craft
A simple yet quirky texture pack by Louis Durrant
A flexible sprint mod supporting stamina, hunger and monoids.
Item Drop
This mod adds Minecraft like drop/pick up of items to Minetest.
Opening Hours
Limits the days and hours a server is open to players.
Renames all nodes to a hashed equivalent.
Sling enables item stack and single item throwing of any item.
SnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
SnowSong, the EPIC Sound Pack
What are those!?
See what those nodes are called by simply looking at them (or by punching them)
Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
Smart and simple
A good feature ported over from NodeCore. Just like a vehicle with automatic transmission the sprint speed kicks in and increases at the right time.
Walking between locations used to be dull, now it's a rush!
The fact that the AUX1 button is freed up from being used for manual sprint activation is a nice bonus.
Works as intended
Does what is says. Great flexibility with toggle settings for nodes, players and entities respectively.
Can it be used to stop nerdpoling too, somehow?
Awesome for enabling exploring of the whole world
This is a great extension and use of telemosaic! I suppose it's most useful when players don't have homes or much time/resources invested in a specific location but wants to travel extensively.
Some worldgates are generated on near vertical surfaces and other unfortunats locations (which begs for an easy to use find_flat_surface type of function/mod to be written, since it's such a reoccuring problem)
Great addition, no good in combination with pride_flags API
Nice addition if not wanting to add connotations to real-word in a Minetest world.
However, it's a carbon copy of Wuzzy's pride_flags, even its API. Not only is that a weird duplication, but it also creates two sets of flags and two sets of flagpoles in each world using both. Why?
Simple, useful, intuitive
Migrating smaller structures from one world to another was a breeze with this tool!
The one thing I found frustrating was that I needed to dig away the same amount of blocks that I wanted the schematic to be submerged into the ground, before being able to paste it.
Simple, great
Adds thrillingly steep and narrow depths to the underground. These intersect the otherwise more softly meandering cave passages.
Great idea!
I suppose these glue type mods aren't the most enjoyable to write but they are great for interweaving mods from different authors so that one does not get stuck in, say, the TenPlus Land or the FaceDeer Realm of mod clusters. Thank you!
Great variety, 100% tree coverage
It's a wonderful modpack that really brings variety to the base game that is Minetest Game.
Simple and great
Out of wood chopper mods tried this one is the simplest, yet most intuitive.
Only problem is when you want to refurbish your cabin in survival and digging one wood node takes down half the building.
Great improvements
Minetest games usually suffer from too many biomes void of content instead of a few rich biomes.
This API helps alleviate that!
Good idea, poor performance
This is the mod I was looking for. It's great that it shows crafts currently possible given a player's inventory contents.
However, changing the output amount is terribly slow.
Would love a setting to turn +1, +10 and +100 buttons off altogether.
A welcome initiative
But why not submit PRs upstream?