Top 4.6% reviewer
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Maintained Packages
This user is also a maintainer of the following packages
_XenonAdds bright stuff
_XenonLets you colorize your messages using HEX color codes (for testing purposes).
_XenonAdds dark stuff
Perma Time
_XenonAllows players to have permanent day/night without changing the game time.
Staff Channel
_XenonWrite messages only to staff
_XenonSimple and plain texture pack with 8px textures.
Incredibly versatile!
Just insane how many options there are to customize the livery of just a single wagon!
What I found particularly useful was the 3D view of the wagon. I'm not sure if that is possible with formspecs, but if it is maybe the mouse cursor could change when hovering over the 3D view to indicate one can actually drag/rotate the wagon view. The only other little thing where I was/am a little confused is the difference between the Livery Template in the Editor's tab and the Predefined Liveries tab. What I believe it to be is that a Predefined Livery is a customized version of an existing Livery Template. I'm not sure about it though.
All in all this is probably the best way to make trains extremely customizable in a simple and player friendly way. Additionally it enables modders and train creators to include multiple predefined liveries for their trains from which players can choose from in-game.
Personally I 100% recommend it!
Nice 2D style
Although it still lacks a lot of textures it seems to have the potential to become a TP with a very unique style. I'd suggest to be a bit more consistent throughout the textures, but so far I very much like the 2D style of the current textures.
Good base
I like the idea and the visual experience is pretty nice too. However 4 levels/stages with not a whole lot to do is not quite it. Would love to see more content after the Game Jam.
- Different types of "enemies"
- More things to discover (tools, items, rooms, pets?)
- Sound effects
Sophisticated Project
This game is a project in itself. I'm overwhelmed by how smooth and well this type of game (kart/race) works in Minetest, despite MT's limitations as mentioned in other reviews (e.g. camera). I love how music, textures and player effects/power ups fit together perfectly well giving the game an own type of aesthetics. The fact that the game includes a track editor speaks for itself. Looking forward to see this incredibly awesome game in active development.
Well implemented
The game works as expected and gives the player clear goals - rebuild given structures. While I was not too amazed by the textures which made some things difficult to read/recognize the music (even though a bit repetitive) keeps the player active and busy.
- More coherent textures (seems like a mixture of RPG16 and some 8px textures ATM)
- Multiplayer/Competitions?
- Ability to add self-made structures in-game?
Something special
Impressive! This unique game is something totally different compared to other Minetest games I've seen so far. This does not only apply to the concept and idea behind it but also to the huge work being put into detail. Different piano tracks played for every level make them feel special and unique by themselves too. To sum it up: I've never before felt so much like a little ladybug :D
Interesting and a bit cryptic
I like the over all feel of the game. At first it is pretty difficult to find out what I need to to, specifically how those portals work. But after trying stuff out you get a rough idea of how this game is played. What I believe would add up to the feeling of the game would be some nice and calm (mystic?) music playing in the background.
- Music/Sound effects
- Maybe some starter help for those completely struggling with this new game concept?
- More rooms! ;)
What am I supposed to do?
The idea might be cool and at this point of development it is probably the time where you start implementing ideas, goals, achievements and stuff like that - gameplay basically. However, so far this is only a box driving simulator with box-bikes unable to drive the curves and the player not knowing what to do apart from that. Not even knowing if there even is something else to do. If I start a game with no further description given I expect the game to tell me what to do and if there are goals I can achieve. If it is only a box driving sim then it should say so in the description to keep the player's expectation low enough.
Something I liked though was the background music and the miniature style using a few nodes for whole buildings.
- Add goals the player can achieve
- Enable the box-bikes to drive small curves too
- Add some in-game help that pops up to the player
Good start
This game has great potential IMO. The basic mechanisms (power supply, money, road connections) are there and the plain textures fit in perfectly well.
- Hint the player to the help. I struggled a bit how to start playing until I discovered that there was some help available when pressing
. Could also include some more information (like given in the CDB's package description) in the in-game help.- Buildable power plants
- Enable roads to go up/down
- (Music?)
Really looking forward what will come next to this game (more infrastructure?).
Impressive implementation
I was surprised how well this type of game worked (in Minetest!).
Suggestion: Turn on the music by default, it makes the game feel so much nicer.
Simple and beautiful
As simple as this gameplay is as beautiful I find the textures (admittedly a matter of taste). I like that there are new nodes introduced almost in every level which makes you want to know what comes next. The short command aliases are very convenient too.
New concept
Of all the other puzzle games I've played so far I never came across this incredibly interesting concept. Definitely challenging and thanks to various non-repetitive levels it doesn't get boring.
Time Saver!
This saves so much time when creating more complex commands, awesome!