Example Lua mapgen by ROllerozxa
A basic example for writing custom Lua mapgen using Perlin noise.
A collection by Solly
My favorites
A basic example for writing custom Lua mapgen using Perlin noise.
Adds a chat command that allows you to adjust the saturation of the graphics.
Make player possible to make his own sculture and paint on it with painting oil colors. Hades Revisited is supported.
In-game painting.
Paint anything! Graffiti for Luanti.
Adds nodes that contain areas in which you can build
Adds realistic sound effects into your world.
A powerful engine for weather presets and visual effects. Requires a weather pack like Regional Weather.
Framework for temporary effects for players.
api for defining player status effects
An API for creating persistent effects for any object. eg. damage a player or entity over time. (like poison)
Adds effects to player to change speeds, cause damage, knockback and more...
Paint anything on node surfaces
Adds auroras (northern/southern lights) at night in cold places.
Adds coloured glass, patterned stained glass, glass lights and one way windows.
Enable Volumetric Lighting for any game
Fix some map errors (flow and light problems)
Adds various lights.
Provides a compatibility API for player lighting
Light-weight weather mod with snow, rain, and clouds.
An easy-to-use api for lua mapgens that takes the pain out of mapgen coding. Focus on mapgen logic, not on voxelmanipulation.
A 1000x1000 canvas for your imagination
Library to provide biomes and decorations for compatible Lua mapgens.
A mapmaking API. Needs additional mods to function.
Displays a map with points of interest, for any game (no dependencies).
Adds scary sounds, and music to nighttime and caves.
API for playing background musics
Simply reject all login attempts and show them a message
Register gadgets that can be used with a hotkey
Play music from albums
Inspect or modify metadatas of a node
Register callbacks when a key is pressed, holded, or released.
A api to get in-game hour/minute
API to cycle though block/item state on certan events
Adds straight and diagonal banisters for stairs railings.
Skybox switch for really dark Minetest caves
Adds asteroid layers and height-based skybox switches to create space environments.
Disallows questionable usage of the Lua API & Lua itself to help catch errors
an API for registering events which trigger when a player goes AFK or comes back from AFK.
Utility library for control press/hold/release events
Adds an event for when player presses a key.
A library to make HUDs from formspecs
Gives mod makers a set of functions to safely apply player physics overrides.
This makes it possible for multiple mods to modify player physics (speed, jumping strength, gravity) without conflict.
Adds an indestructable bedrock layer at the bottom of the world.
Adds a single starter block below the first spawn position in singlenode, called “The Origin”
Generates a stone platform below the world origin or static spawn point.
mapgen mod creator
mapblock serialization functions