Points of Interest by Clyde
Mod to create or visit Points of Interest
A collection by NA0341
Mod to create or visit Points of Interest
Adds much desired water physics like splashes upon jumping in, and underwater ambience.
Travelnet with improved performance and code tidiness
Minecart, the lean railway transportation automation system
Adds more crafting Recipes to make useless Items more useful
Makes crafting recipes in Minetest Game reversible
Adds regional maps that you can craft and place (Minetest Game version)
Craftable pole scaffoldings. Support default game and Hades Revisited game.
Enables the crafting of lava from baked stone
A simple mod that enables the use of the minimap radar with a craftable item
Craft and use industrial Mese
Modname Tooltip Minecraft mod for MineClone2
Adds automatically generated help texts for items.
Adds some help texts explaining how to use Luanti.
A simple in-game documentation system which enables mods to add help entries based on templates.
Improves the inventory, and fixes some formspecs throughout some mods.
A fast player inventory with focus on a many number of items and big screens
Adds a wrench to pick up nodes with inventories, such as chests, and transport them to another location.
Adds an intuitive and full-featured craft guide with auto-crafting to the player's inventory.
Adds a new theme to the unified_inventory. Support for multiple themes may come later.
Adds Terraria's quick stack feature to Unified Inventory
Extends Unified Inventory
Path marker signs for use when exploring a twisty maze of passages that are all alike.
A robot controlled by signs
Go through five tech ages in search of wealth and power
Only hear chat from nearby players.