Archaeology by SkyBuilder1717
Adds an looting and API in archaeologing
A collection by To3soo3ahc
This list just displayed mods MineClonia like mechanics.
Adds an looting and API in archaeologing
Allows server owners or server admin to start mob raids to attack settlements or players
Herobrine has entered your world.
Eating with particles, sounds, visible ItemStacks (5.4+), and holding down input. Heavy coding customization for programmers
adds a circular saw feature and button to the unified_inventory
The Enchantment Extractor is a utility that separates enchantments from items, transferring them to books for storage or later application to other items.
Simple wielded lights for mineclonia with support for mcl_offhand
Recipes for saddle, horse armors, and other uncraftables for mineclonia. Companion mod for k_recyclebin.
Bones mod reworked (works in MineClonia or MinetestGame)
Add glitchy-looking lands at the edge of the world
Adds scary cave ambience
Lets you put a block on your head.
Allows placing nodes below/behind the closest node to where you are looking, when you're looking at the air where said node would go.
This mod adds a new swamp biome, with mangrove trees, mud and more!
This mod adds a few more nice touches to Atlante's Swamp biome mod
Adds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
Adds on-screen subtitles for sound effects.
Makes the wood and steel trapdoors climbable
Adds an better anvil for renaming and easy repairing items
Notifies players when a player starts connecting to the server
Display current time and days since start on bottom right of screen.
just an adjustable redstone clock, thanks to neocraft1293
Enable Volumetric Lighting for any game
Chimneys for Mineclone and Mineclonia.
Adds a simple (and hacky) animation to the heart bar in Mineclone2 similar to Minecraft.
Adds Minecraft-y block placers
Minecraft-y block breakers
Need a way to distinguish between staff and players?
Adds simple underground mines with railways and occasional treasure chests.
Adds leads for moving and tethering animals.
Adds amethyst geodes and an API for making custom geodes.
Extends the Geodes mod with quartz geodes.
Adds block forms of metal lumps.
Place candles in world. Add, remove or taint candles from placed nodes
A portable basket for carrying large amount of items (= Shulker Boxes)