Advanced Trains by orwell
Adds good-looking, realistic trains with realistic rails.
A collection by shrimp
Adds good-looking, realistic trains with realistic rails.
Visible player armor & wielded items.
Collection of basic trains for the Advanced Trains mod. Formerly included in main advtrains modpack (until 2.3.0)
Makes players emit light while holding any luminescent item.
Adds a headlamp that can be worn as armor, providing a bright light source
Makes player heads follow their look direction
Optionally place a HUD compass and 24-hour clock on the screen.
Adds a craftable motorboat
Entity API
A decoration mod meant to be simple and well-featured (libre version).
Adding simple storages for items, showing the item's inventory image in the front.
Network of teleporter-boxes that allows easy travelling to other boxes on the same network.
A next-generation inventory
Produce biofuel from unused plants.
Custom player skins manager with support for 1.0 and 1.8er skins and inventory skins selector
A lib for airplanes and some useful tools
Adds a craftable Super Cub airplane
Adds a craftable hydroplane
Adds a craftable PA28
Adds a steampunk blimp
Adds a fishing boat
Provides flexible interior and exterior lighting options for different styles of builds.
Adds 9 new biomes
Simply makes beds bouncy.
Enables the crafting of lava from baked stone
A performant, semi-modular, Animal focused mob API
Brings a plethora of wildlife and expands exploration
Adds Enchanting Mechanics and API.
Shooting sword, woodcutting / treecapitator axe, multiple plow blocks / plant seeds hoe, path creating shovel, pickaxe can place secondary items (e.g. torches) and more...
Adds hardened clay.
This is a mod all about creating castle gates and dungeons
Adds a placeable calendar
A simple calender system to track the passage of days
mod for the mapserver
New Confetti for all!
Adds a functional hang glider for exploring
Enable Volumetric Lighting for any game