Stone Chests by AwesomeDragon97
Replaces the wooden chests found in dungeons with stone chests.
A collection by tacotexmex
My favorites
Replaces the wooden chests found in dungeons with stone chests.
adds balrogs.
See what those nodes are called by simply looking at them (or by punching them)
Adds sounds to tools like swords and axes when using them
An API for creating advanced, complex biome decorations
Allows mobs to spawn in biomes that don't support them.
Events for wield item switching
Adds three skeletons to the world.
A lib for adding actions when certain keys are pressed in order.
Place, remove and configure Mobs (for now: NPCs) using chatcommands
Renames all nodes to a hashed equivalent.
Persistent object-IDs for developers
Chop entire tree.
API for defining abstract, compositional player attributes
Provides a compatibility API for player lighting
overrides monoids controlling player physics provided by player_monoids, to limit how big they can grow.
player_monoids that persist between player sessions and server restarts/crashes.
Adds leads for moving and tethering animals.
api for defining player status effects
This mod adds a simple HTTP request device for digilines.
an API for registering events which trigger when a player goes AFK or comes back from AFK.
adds a command that submits a bug report to a github repo.
API to allow multiple mods to make modifications to an itemstack's description
~Remastered version of the Minetest Game default texture pack – aims for a smoother and realistic look
Randomly generated teleportation network that can teleport players between gates throughout the world
api for specifying multiple dimensions to eating
Tool to climb, double jump, and do good damage to mobs.
Lets you put a block on your head.
Adds on-screen subtitles for sound effects.
API/library for creating geodes
Amethyst, basalt, calcite and related building blocks
NodeCore-esque movement for other games
Set the day of time cycle to a certain time permanently.
A library to generate ingame manuals based on markdown files.
Adds nodes that can be used to build reusable programs.
A library for associating objects with nodes
Profile mods using LuaJIT's built-in profiler.
Metal can rust when next to water. Restore it with acid from underground.
English Phonics (Learn how to sound out words and to read)
A HUD Title mod
Item group applied to ALL items for crafting recipes.
Register random announcements
An augmented mtg_craftguide. Supports a progressive reveal system that follows doc items help.
A simple inventory that makes use of Flow forms.
With sneak+use, cycle rows in your inventory!
Enable Volumetric Lighting for any game
Regenerating terrain
Adds experience atms to MineClone 2
A collection of misc dependency-free utilities primarily for server hosts
Dark inventory textures for MineClone2
shows a preview with orientation of the node the player is holding.
Improved textures default and more
Age of Mending: Sandbox game about building your own world and exploring a new one. Last breaking changes: a28
Skyblock for VoxeLibre
Cave explorer tool to use acoustic signals for undergound exploring.
Lift player up on login until he has no air block under his legs.
Replaces small, sporadic ore pockets with sparse, gigantic ore veins.
Makes game more immersive by adding more particles
A mod for MQTT communication