SF Inventory Bags by TenPlus1
Adds a BAGS tab to SF Inventory with slots for different size bags to store items
A collection by Wojtech
My favorites
Adds a BAGS tab to SF Inventory with slots for different size bags to store items
Adds inventory pouches.
Obtain and research enough of a specific item to unlock the ability to infinitely duplicate it.
Visible player armor & wielded items.
Adds shining for wielded and dropped items
Replaces the default health and breath symbols by horizontal colored bars with text showing the number. Extensible.
Adds spawners for mobs, dungeons, temples and ores.
Adds super overpowered and expensive endgame tools, armor, weapons, and blocks
Cook trees to get coal
Simply makes beds bouncy.
Darkness hurts.
Counts the number of nodes a specific tool has dug
Adds a mana attribute to players, can be used as energy source for magical items, etc.
Adds itemframes and pedestals you can place items inside
API/library for creating geodes
Replaces overpowered "water generators" with a unique water-harvesting system
Adds achievements
Adds an explosion proof obsidian.
Adds experience, ranks, and doors only accessible to those above a certain rank. Not actually a redo of any mod.
Makes certain flora blocks instantly breakable by hand.
Access your belongings anywhere by using the power of the void chest!
adds water structures and coral reefs to the oceans of your world
Adds Resource Crops, Seeds, Essences, and other cool things!
A Realtime in-game formspec viewer/editor
Advanced tool for modders and advanced users to create and edit schematics.
You have several weapons to choose from. You can dig through the earth. So can they.
Add invisible Blocks
Adds randomly spawning loot crates.
Adds much desired water physics like splashes upon jumping in, and underwater ambience.