Mod Name "mcl_potions"
Provided By
- No packages available
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
VoxelForge - 25w08a
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
Required By
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
Mineclonia Chaos
Sylvester KruinRandom crazy things happen at regular intervals.
MineClone Stackpotions
ApolloXStackable Potions
Optionally Used By
EmptyStarA vibrant world of beautiful biomes. Explore, discover, create.
Lava Stuff
LandarVarganAdds lava armor, tools, and blocks
PVP Toggle
ImpulseEnables you to choose whether you want to PVP or not.
Entities Protection
ImpulseProtects entities from attack in protected areas
csirolliA thermometer to check the temperature
PvP Control
mike.monkeybiterAllow players to set their own ability to hurt or be hurt in PvP, by chat command or by pressure pads. Nametag colour changes to reflect status.
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
X Farming
SaKeLFarming with new plants, crops, trees, ice fishing, bees, candles, scarecrow, crates, composter, bonemeal, ropes, pies...
csirolliAdds a "thirst" mechanic, similar to hunger.
Dwarf Fortress style caverns
FaceDeerAdds vast underground caverns in the style of Dwarf Fortress, complete with underground flora in diverse biomes.
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.