Mod Name "mcl_title"
Provided By
- No packages available
VoxeLibre (formerly MineClone2)
WuzzySurvive, farm, build, explore, play with friends, and do much more. Inspired by Minecraft, pushing beyond.
ryvnfSurvival sandbox game inspired by Minecraft.
VoxelForge - 25w08a
VoxelForgeBuild, Fight, Mine, and so much more. A MineCraft Inspired game, focused on replicating MineCraft as good as possible while keeping performant.
Required By
AFCMPalamod modpack for MineClone2
VoxeLibre Furniture and decorations
rudzik8Adds more decoration and furniture blocks to VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) and Mineclonia
N FreemanCurrency like shops to trade with emeralds in your Emeraldbank.
Optionally Used By
Mineclonia Music Api
coraMusic API, made for mineclonia but compatible with all games
Voxelforge /sit and lay commands
VoxelForgeSit and lay using chat commands
Emerald Bank (MineClonia)
N FreemanKeep your Emeralds in a Bank, a complete economy API
VoxeLibre Get Comfortable
rudzik8Sit and lay using chat commands (/sit and /lay) and by right-clicking blocks in VoxeLibre (ex. MineClone2) or Mineclonia