Mod Name "vacuum"
Provided By
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Occupy Moon
rlarsThis game will send you to the moon!
MeseCraftThe best game for Minetest. A survival game with new depth, mechanics, biomes, mobs and many essential additions. Has a focus on being fun, user-friendly, stable, and minimalist but featured.
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- No packages available
Optionally Used By
mt-modsAdds a wrench to pick up nodes with inventories, such as chests, and transport them to another location.
Nonsensical Skyblock
Kimaprskyblock game BASED on crafting. no quest cringe! bonemeal go brrrr
Cozy Lights
SingleDigitIqEarly alpha. Improves the way light sources(torches etc) behave and allows to create huge lights, literal projectors with just a mouse click, light map will be computed for you.
APercyAdds a craftable submarine
Block Exchange
BuckarooBanzaiCloud worldedit schema exchanger
mt-modsTake your buildings with you on your journey.