More Structures
ClothierEdwardAdds several new structures to make your world more alive.
EvergreenAdds quartz ore and some decorative quartz blocks
LiilAdds more life to the caves of your world
HeroOfTheWindsA mod for Minetest to add underground realms.
AwesomeDragon97Adds the badlands biome, which contains plentiful clay and gold.
Better Biomes by Atlante
NeuromancerThis mod adds some of the subtle understated beauty of nature to your biomes to make the world look more natural. It was created by Atlante.
Magma Conduits
FaceDeerRemoves default mapgen lava and adds widely-spaced vertical lava "veins".
SharaAdds fireflies which can be caught in a net and placed in bottles for lighting.
NextGen Bedrock
StarNinjasAdds an indestructible bedrock layer at the bottom of the world.
Alien Material
debiankaiosAdds new blocks, items, and tools from aliens. A new time begins.
TenPlus1BIOME integration for nssm, the not so simple buildings.
AwesomeDragon97Adds amethyst geodes and an API for making custom geodes.
In the Fog
Jo5629_Herobrine has entered your world.
3d ores!
Soundwaveza slick new take on the default ores!
block physics
GigaByteAdd pieces of broken blocks when breaking them.
Zero-Effort Custom Minerals
Piezo_A tool for registering entire materials, complete with ore generation, tool-sets and automatically generated sprites with almost no effort required
UFO wreck
IrremannUFO wreck
Coconut Trees
AwesomeDragon97Adds coconut trees that appear on beaches
NeuromancerThis mod adds a few more nice touches to Atlante's Swamp biome mod
Phiia spreading mushroom biome which you can spawn into the world, with its own monsters and a boss you need to slay to stop the biome's growth. Best played with bow & armor mod and after reading manual.
Hybrid DogAdds swamps
Loose Rocks
eduardomezencioAdds loose rocks which generate randomly on the surface.
Ore Deposits
TarruviAdds ore deposits that can randomly spawn on stone
cakenggtLive in a tropical paradise where you can sail, mine coconuts, etc.
sofarA mod that adds realistic erosion and degradation of rocks.
CalinouA special ore that kills you when mined.
Boring RPG
LebedevNew items blocks and other pieces are waiting for you here
ElCeejoAdds an eerie biome with multiple mobs.
Dyes for Extra Biomes
SkivlingDeprecated because after ebiomes v1.5.0, dye recipes are included by default, making this unnecessary. Adds dye recipes for the flowers from Extra Biomes.
Giant Mushroom/ Mushrooms
Hybrid DogAdd mushrooms and giant mushrooms.
LootChests Modpack
mt-modsModpack adding a lot of various loot containers across the world to be found and providing an API, resources and integrations for other mods
Wilhelmines Living Desert
LiilAdds plants to the default deserts of minetest game.
GhaydnAdds trees, grass and ores to PilzAdam's Nether
Nether addons
DragonWrangleradds more nodes and decorations to the nether
ClydeAdds 15 flowers and 6 mushrooms.
Time Travel
Red_King_CyclopsAdds in a craftable time machine that can be used to time travel to different time periods of Earth's history.
Lapis Lazuli
LNJAdds lapis lazuli ore, items and blocks.
Generic moon of Saturn
Red_King_CyclopsReplaces the default earthlike setting with a generic moon of Saturn.
Underground Challenge
Hume2Explore all 62 underground biomes!
Ancient Bones
karlexceedAdds bones with loot to dungeons.