sofarThis mod expands the basic set of farming-related crops that minetest_game offers.
New Campfire
mt-modsYou can craft and use better campfire.
LiilAdds more life to the caves of your world
More Swords
JAstudiosAdds more powerfull swords that have various abilities.
Obsidian Swords
DragonopAdds the Obsidian Dagger, Sword, and Longsword. Also Obsidian tools, for completeness.
xXNicoXxWings is a mod whiche allows server owners to give players fly privs while holding the wings (Like binoculars) made by xXNicoxx
X17Make charcoal from trees and use this as fuel
Paintings Gallery
JoeEndermanAdds a large selection of curated AI paintings using Paintings Library.
Uranium Stuff
EpoxumAdds Uranium tools and armor, compatible with technic.
Minimap Radar
OgelGamesA simple mod that enables the use of the minimap radar with a craftable item
Nathan.SAdds a juice press and two juice storage containers.
Hardcore mode
SkyBuilder1717Adds a hardcore mode.
Alien Material
debiankaiosAdds new blocks, items, and tools from aliens. A new time begins.
Better Locks
SkyBuilder1717Adds locks and locked doors
Fire Master
Flay KruneganFire Master is a powerful weapon that can shoot fire
More Stones
Blocky PlayerProvides a variety of educational and decorative minerals and rocks.
More Pickaxes
Koda_Adds additional pickaxes to the game
Quarry Mechanics
kestralAdds quarry mechanics to stone nodes.
3d ores!
Soundwaveza slick new take on the default ores!
Rain Barrels and Wells
Piezo_Replaces overpowered "water generators" with a unique water-harvesting system
Placeable Buckets for Catching Rainwater
NoodlemireAllows empty buckets to be placed as nodes in order to collect rainwater.
Wet Mud
NicuHydrates farmland without using water directly
AwesomeDragon97Adds sieves that are used to separate (occasionally) valuable debris from sand.
Basic Anvil
MikeRedwoodAdds an easy tool repair craft
Lava Ore Gen
Coder12Makes the lava turn stone into ore over time.
ChimneySwiftAdds a series of multi-purpose tools to Minetest
Power Rangers Modpack
LC CreationsAdds power rangers and an API to create your own.
After Earth
AiTechEyeThe earth's ecosystem has collapsed, and there are no biologically environment left.
Bed Notifications
Bob64This adds chat messages that tell other players when a player leaves or enters a bed and when players can sleep.
Random Cool
pl608Adds random ores on lava cool
BuckarooBanzaiAdds blocks to create missions with rewards, timeout and penalties.
cakenggtLive in a tropical paradise where you can sail, mine coconuts, etc.
Utilities for Underch - extension pack
Hume2Extend the Underground Challenge by miscelaneous utilities and change some recipes
KimaprBypass Protection Sorcery in survival
Teacher: Locked Chests
1F616EMOTutorial for MTG Locked Chests
iarbatAdds a hard to obtain yet powerful substance called Aether.
Axis Tools
mt-modsAll the functionality of tinkers construct, but all in your inventory.
Infinite Wood Mod
thehumanarachnidYou can now get infinite wood in survival
CalinouA special ore that kills you when mined.
ElCeejoAdds an eerie biome with multiple mobs.