Sailing Kit
TermosAdds a craftable sailboat
doxy’s Minitram
doxygen_spammerScaled down Konstal 105N for advtrains
AmazAdds three different methods of flying, wings, jetpacks and flying carpets.
Boost Cart
KrockThis mod offers improved minecarts and a few more rail types.
Advtrains Train Rocket
AdvT. SupplementalA model Stephenson's rocket and some barrel wagons
mt-modsAdds a configurable technic-based transporter, with bookmarks and many options
X5DragonfireAllows you to make paths in grass with ground roller
Hiking Redo
Hume2Complete set of hiking signs
Gadgets Modpack
mt-modsA modpack providing full progression of magic and technology-based items that apply status effects or do other useful functions
Advtrains Platforms
W3RQ01Provides additional platforms for advtrains, large mod support. Originally written by Och_Noe, small contributions by Blockhead and W3RQ01 is taking it a step further by adding more stuff.
paramatAdds 4 styles of microcar: Car55, Nyancart, Mesecar and Oerkka.
Search and Rescue
josegamestestAdds search and rescue vehicles for difficult situations
Technic train
gpcfVarious Technic machines mounted on rail cars
Andrey01A collection of all train mods based on advtrains which made by various people.
LissoBonePropel yourself through space with this new invention. Zero-G recommended. Check settings for tweaks.
Movement Essentials
DanielAdds umbrella for slow fall (hang gliders), consume mese crystal to recall (return to spawn), and throw fragments to teleport.
mt-modsadds a ufo for flying around in
Node roads
MatyasPAdd much of one-node roads and crossroads, road bridges and slopes
Travelnet Redo: Beacons
1F616EMOTravelnet components in Telemosaic style
X17Adds simple roads in 4 sizes.
Ocular Networks
mt-modsDraw power from the world, and use it to power machines and tools.
Vehicle Mash
Panquesito7Adds many types of vehicles: cars, boats, hovercrafts and more.
Warning: Non-free media.
CTF Airplane Modification(pa28)
pl608a modification for the pa28 that is designed for(up to 5-team) ctf which adds explosive missiles/bombs
qawsedrftgzhGo skiing, and have fun, and save your winter holidys
Real Elevators
Andrey01Adds realistic elevators with smooth moving.