TumeniNodesAdds arched doors
1F616EMOPlay music from albums
Johannes FritzShootable and aimable cannons
K Recyclebin
ketwarooBreaks down crafted things into original components. Mostly.. Compatible with default game and mineclonia. Works with hoppers too.
TenPlus1BIOME integration for nssm, the not so simple buildings.
Rope Bridges
SFENCEBuildable rope bridge. Should be used with moreblocks or hades_moreblocks.
Visible Sneak
niwla23A mod to make sneaking visible. The player gets smaller on sneak and the viewpoint is lower.
rubenwardyAdds an API to allow players to vote
Portable Chests
Bob64Portable chests you can pick up even when there are items inside.
NextGen Bedrock
StarNinjasAdds an indestructible bedrock layer at the bottom of the world.
Boost Cart
KrockThis mod offers improved minecarts and a few more rail types.
Smart Inventory
bell07A fast player inventory with focus on a many number of items and big screens
Remove Unknowns
ClydeA small tool to help you clean up your world of unknown-blocks.
Ta4 Jetpack
joe7575JetPack for Techage
mt-modsColorize some wood!
Stripped Trees
1facoAdds Stripped tree trunks.
PB&J Pup and Nyan Cat
TenPlus1Adds PB&J Pup, Nyan Cats or MooGnu into your world
Mineclonia Stoneblock
coraThe claustrophobic anti-skyblock challenge - everything is there but covered in stone, mine-to-win DO NOT USE WITH EXISTING MAPS!
Procedural Furniture
the_raven_262Creates furniture collections
DuvalonAdditional armours to build and wear
Simple Xray
MikeRedwoodMakes stone and desert stone see through, also works with nether mod
oblerionadd skyboard flying vehicle with crafting
Treasure chest
ZenonSethAdds a block called Treasure Chest that hands semi-randomized rewards on a timer.
Hybrid DogIt works like the timber mod but it destroys the leaves and the fruits, too.
Handholds Redo
TestificateModsAdds additional functionality to pickaxes as a climbing tool
Semmett9Adds wooden and Iron scaffolding.
Raining Death
aether123TNT Rains from the Sky
Darkage - the original plus improvements
addiDarkAge adds several new nodes and crafts to create a pre industrial landscape.
In the Fog
Jo5629_Herobrine has entered your world.
zeunerPlace, remove and configure Mobs (for now: NPCs) using chatcommands
Parkour Survive
AiTechEyeParkour ability!
Documentation system integration for Advanced Trains
Y. WangAdds certain Advtrains-related items to the documentation system
ThePython10110Adds crafting recipes for spawners and spawn eggs to MineClone
AFK Kick
GunshipPenguinKick players who do not move for a while
Temperature Survive
AiTechEyeMakes you feel temperatures
Phiia spreading mushroom biome which you can spawn into the world, with its own monsters and a boss you need to slay to stop the biome's growth. Best played with bow & armor mod and after reading manual.
Just Zoom
Alib234Allows you to just zoom at any time
Craftable Lava
MikeRedwoodEnables the crafting of lava from baked stone
Zero-Effort Custom Minerals
Piezo_A tool for registering entire materials, complete with ore generation, tool-sets and automatically generated sprites with almost no effort required
Nathan.SLets you put up decorative walls around your gardens, and make pretty hardscapes.