MinisleepDisables drowning, so you can swim and live underwater forever.
Extended Placement
gamefreq0Allows placing nodes below/behind the closest node to where you are looking, when you're looking at the air where said node would go.
Fast Build Tool
playduinTool for fast box building
Build Easy Box
epCodeA handy tool allowing the creation of large structures with minimal effort (in survival!).
Nodecore Paint
KimaprPaint anything on node surfaces
Disable Build Where They Stand
LMDDisables placing blocks at places where they would collide with a player
CalebJStaffs with various uses
ExplorerTools All (Tools place item on right click)
KilarinTools place item in next inventory slot on right click
scaffolding (flux's version)
fluxionaryscaffolding, to help in building projects.
WorldEdit Undo
Hybrid DogUndo and Redo executed WorldEdit chat commands
Colored Chests
SkyBuilder1717Adds a colored chests!
Hopper Compatibility
Bob64Adds hopper compatibility for other mods like technic, elepower and even connected chests!
Simple streetlight spawner
mt-modsAdds various streetlight "spawners" (5m tall, supports multiple pole materials and light sources)
worldedit terraform command
Mjokfoxa terraform command for worldedit
Worldedit Big Schematics Handling
IRIWorld Edit commands allowing to create and place large schematics, as well as maintain a command journal for undoing past actions.
More Snow
Sokominesnow and wool for stairs - nicer winter landscape and snow-covered roofs
mt-modsadds a circular saw feature and button to the unified_inventory
Technic use Battery
1F616EMOUse energy from RE batteries in the inventory
More Ladders
SkyBuilder1717Adds more ladders and sticks!!!
KilarinAdds a new "bridge tool" that makes placing stone (or glass, earth, or any material) while building a bridge in no-fly mode easy.
Ubertool Mod
HartRendProvides a combination pick, shovel, and axe tool capable of extreme function. Tool is also illuminated.
Lategame Amulets
CometMine rare ore. Make amulets. Get tons of steel blocks. Build megastructures.
EZ Voxel Builder
MAIgtoSAllows player to easily place, remove, copy and paste nodes (blocks) in bulk.
WorldEdit Wall Block
SkyBuilder1717Adds block and item for making big structures easily as possible.
Stack Slabs
TumeniNodesstackable slabs for Minetest
RasPiManiacAdds Aquamarine ore, ingots, etc.
SkyBuilder1717Adds an looting and API in archaeologing
Pick And Place
BuckarooBanzaiPick and place utility
Automatic Cave Lighting
Hybrid DogAdd two chatcommands to automatically light up dark places (e.g. caves) with lighting nodes such as torches.
Lua Controller Block
LC CreationsAdds a block that functions like a Lua Controller but has 'e' (down) and 'f' (up) pins and ports
hexcol color picker
Mjokfoxcolor picker for hexcol
Fake Liquid
SkyBuilder1717Adds a fake liquids
Tool Crafter
508linxuse any posible material craft tool in crafttable
Instant Sapling Growth
Panquesito7Instantly grows sapling and trees when placed. 🌳
Falling Dirt
karlexceedMakes dirt nodes fall just like sand and gravel.
flux's worldedit maze generator
fluxionarya command to create 2d mazes using worldedit.
Simple Tape Measure
OgelGamesAdds a simple tape measure.
1F616EMOA tool to copy and paste nodes from a file or from a tool
Quarry Link
gabriel1379Enables use of Quarry Mechanics with the stone-like and resource-nodes of other mods.
MintInstantly break (most) construction blocks.